
That You May Believe! - John 20:30-31

January 14, 2024 • Mike Burt • John 20:30–31

Why did John write this Gospel? And why do we need to hear it so badly? Because John needs to feed our faith and build our vision of Christ! That is the unique contribution of this Gospel. In one book, it presents Christ to us in a way that is far fuller, far richer, and far more divine than any other book, chapter, or verse in the entire New Testament.


Like the closing years of the 1st Century (which John saw), the early years of our 21st Century are filled with lots of false ideas about Jesus; pictures of Christ shaped by popular ideas, movements, and religions of today. I wish all of these were outside the Church, but it is not so. There are also false Christs in the church! False ideas come from selfish desires and lazy study. John challenges us to look at the Messiah – study His works – listen to His words – watch His reactions – there is the Son of God!


The Gospel means “good news”. And the good news is that God wants to feed us in exactly this way through this book. Are you heart-hungry? Does your soul thirst? Please hear this: your satisfaction as a true believer is directly related to the healthiness of what you truly believe about Jesus. That's why all of us need to understand John and these seven signs of Jesus.


Join me as we journey with John and visit a few of Jesus' many and mighty works. May God bless this study and every one of you who comes with a humble heart and ears to hear. Let's pray and ask God for exactly that.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Mike