
Meet the Family

September 4, 2022 • Mike Burt • Ruth

“God doesn’t help those who help themselves: He helps those who trust in Him.”

“But I trust in your unfailing love.” (hesed) Psa 13:5

The story of Ruth is a series of setbacks. From the first chapter Naomi and her husband and two sons leave their homeland in Judah because of famine – not led by God but rather by fear. Then Naomi's husband dies. Her sons marry Moabite women and for ten years the women have not additional family. And then her sons both die leaving two widows in the house of Naomi. Even though Ruth clings to Naomi, chapter 1 ends with Naomi's bitter complaint: "I went away full and the Lord has brought me back empty . . . The Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me."

The other three scenes of this short book are about God working in the life of Ruth through unlikely ways – Boaz, the other relatives, the employees of Boaz and Naomi herself. Sunday, I will take us through a summary of the entire book – giving an overview of where we will go for the next 9 weeks.

Come with me to Bethlehem and listen to the heart of God through the love of Ruth – first to Naomi and then to Boaz. God is good! One of my all-time favorite words is in Ruth – ‘hesed’ which is the lovingkindness of God. His everlasting promised love and hope. Ruth gets it – I hope we can too – See you Sunday to begin this classic story of Redemption and Salvation.

Pastor Mike

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