
Perfect Love - Imperfect People

April 30, 2023 • Josh Burt • 1 John 4:13–21

This week we conclude Chapter 4 of First John together. John wrote this letter to show Christians dealing with Gnostic Elites, lies, arrogant leadership, and lovelessness - that they might have a “measuring tool” and a structure to know, grow, and flow out God’s LOVE! John wrote to refute and dilute false teachers, all while bringing assurance and unquestionable comfort in Christ’s Life and Love. He goes further though - John writes NOT just to comfort, but also to prod those that are simply “sitting” - to ACT, to DO, and to BE! John writes that the measuring tool and model used for our life is Christ and His Love, and our comfort is also in Christ and His Love. This brings us to the end of chapter 4. 

We get to look at Christ - Who IS Love - and we get to see that His plan for us was NOT to simply pray a prayer, or was not to simply change a habit or join a “group” - IT WAS TO BE LOVED and to SHARE LOVE! I look forward to opening up Chapter 4 together and seeing how John writes to energize us and to encourage us to be like and love like Christ. See you this Sunday at Grace.

- Pastor Josh