
I AM the Light of the World - John 8:12; 1:4-9

January 28, 2024 • Mike Burt • John 8:12, John 1:4–9

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12


This is the second I AM statement that Jesus makes in the Gospel of John. These statements reveal to us who He is and what He came to do. The meaning of John 8:12 is powerful and can change our life and our faith if we let it sink in and become our way of life. 


Sunday I will dive into what the ‘I am the light of the world’ means and see how it should change our approach to Growing in Christ and Growing Others!


In Jesus’ first I AM statement in John 6:35 he says he is the Bread of Life. Food was a too scarce commodity in the 1st Century world of the Jews. It was the first thing God provided the Israelites with on their journey in the Exodus from Egypt – ‘manna’ the Bread of Life.  Here Jesus uses an equally iconic illustration: light. The Jews in their wanderings followed a pillar of fire by night and day.  Moses knew this was of the LORD as he had visited the burning bush that was not consumed and he heard the commands of Jehovah.


Today when it’s dark we simply flip a switch and instantly the darkness is gone. But in the 1st Century, it wasn’t so simple. In Jesus’ day when it got dark, it was DARK. So when Jesus calls Himself the light it’s a big deal.  Not so in the days of lamps and oil or even just meager candles – real light!  From the Menorah to the Hannukah miracle – Light was a big deal!


Dr Thomas Constable says, “The light of life figure stands for what dispels the darkness of ignorance and death. Jesus was claiming that whoever believes in Him will enjoy the light that comes from God’s presence and produces life.” 


Join me Sunday for this second I AM and let me share the 3 ways we are illuminated by Christ and how we are to walk in that light and shine that light – see you Sunday.

Pastor Mike