
Who Do You Meet in Church? - 2 Timothy 2:20-26

October 8, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Timothy 2:20–26

Clearly, in these verses, Paul is presenting us with a choice: Do you want to be a gold or silver vessel, used for honor, or will you be a cheap clay pot, used for dishonor? While some may see this as a choice of usable and unusable – I see this more as ordinary and extraordinary.  The ordinary are not held in high regard and are often neglected and easily replaced – while the good stuff is special!  

The choice for each of us is to be God’s finest vessels or common paper cups tossed without much regard or appreciation.  We should desire to be vessels for honor – ‘useful to the Master’ and ‘prepared for every good work’ by cleansing ourselves.  By God’s grace, this is not done alone but with ‘those who call on the Lord from a pure heart’ – our church family!  

Sunday I will take the final paragraph of 2 Timothy 2 and help us be ready to be the vessel God can use!  It may take some scrubbing – but it is worth it!  

Come and learn how to be more than a paper plate in God’s Kingdom – 

See you Sunday, 

Pastor Mike