
Welcome the King!

April 10, 2022 • Mike Burt • 1 Kings, John 12, Matthew 12:42

King Solomon had great wisdom and great wealth – all from the hand of God. We read and heard his prayer for wisdom – God granted that and more. As we come into Palm Sunday there is a key verse in Matthew that states “The queen of the South will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here.” (12:42) Greater than Solomon!
Is that what we see at the Entry of Jesus on the Sunday before Easter?

Like other great kings, Solomon has come and gone. All that he had is gone. But Jesus is here. He will supply you with His wisdom. He will give you water so you will never thirst again. He's preparing a place for you in heaven. And Jesus will give you joy day by day. And that's why we worship the One True King - the Lord Jesus, who is greater than Solomon! He's the everlasting King and our great Savior.

Sunday we will again look into the character of King Solomon and compare that to the true greatness of the King of Kings on Palm Sunday.
Hope to see you this week at Grace - Pastor Mike