
Power in Weakness

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

July 12, 2020 • Pastor Chris Casoni

In today's sermon, Pastor Chris walks us through a portion of Paul's second letter to the church at Corinth. Here, Paul talks about how when we are weak, God's power is made perfect through His grace.

// Small Group Questions

1. What did God teach you through this passage and sermon? Share the work of God in your heart with the group.

2. What questions did this passage and sermon raise in your mind? This would be a great opportunity as a group to use the Ask a Pastor feature and that way we can address it either directly or in the messages in the future.

3. Where in your life do you need God’s Grace to be sufficient?

4. What would you consider you own weakness? Discuss some ways that God has been strong in your weakness.

5. What does it mean to surrender your power and control to God? Pray for God to give victory in our struggle and Glory in our surrender.