Trunk ‘N’ Treat

Thursday, Oct. 31 @ 4:30pm

October 31, 2024
4:30 - 7:30pm

You know Halloween is just around the corner when the kids go back to school in September. We don’t feel the burr yet as we’re all still toasty, but it’s almost here, Thursday, Oct. 31, and so is our annual Tunk N Treats outreach event. Soon our 5th Street Parking lot will be full of ghosts, goblins, and gouls roaming through our parking lot.

This is the SHOUT OUT to any and all ministry groups, committees, and teams and individuals interested in dressing-up a car trunk for our Trunk ‘N’ Treat outreach ministry event which will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 31 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Cars in to prep by 3 p.m.)

Our event will be held in conjunction with a host of Halloween-themed activities throughout Japantown, and this is our opportunity to show-off our church and participate in this community-wide event. You as an individual or as part of a ministry/group/team are invited to participate by decorating your car trunk in any Halloween-appropriate theme and hand out treats or favors (supplied by your group and some by the church) to the approximately 300 children, all dressed in their favorite Halloween character as they flow into our church site. To add to the fun, you are all encouraged to dress-up in costume (but nothing scary, please).

Please encourage your group to take part, but due to limited space, requests are on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis. Contact Barbara Hiura, through the church office to reserve your car and parking lot space for you or your group; the sign-up deadline is Thursday, Oct. 24 or until we’ve reached our parking lot capacity.