Come worship with us in-person at 10am. Children's Ministry and Youth Services are available during the service. Children nursery-5th grade meet downstairs in our Children's Ministry wing. 6-12th grade students meet in the Prayer Chapel. For more information, visit their ministry pages. Click below for more info.
MIDDLE SCHOOL: Come worship, hear the Word and build community with us at 10am. Join us in the Prayer Chapel during service. HIGH SCHOOL: We sit in the main service together, and then hang out after service in the Prayer Chapel.
Come and hangout with us at Snacky Sundays before our worship and teaching in the Youth Room! We'll be providing an assortment of fun and sugary breakfast foods so students can be with their leaders and get to know new friends.
All Children's Ministry classes, Nursery - 5th grade, are open on Sundays! Come worship and learn about Jesus with us on Sundays at 10:30 am. Check-in with your parents at Children's Ministry entrance downstairs. All children have classes in the Kids Ministry wing. If you have any questions, please email Freya.
We meet most Mondays at 7pm in the Multipurpose Room! Check the Break Every Chain page each week to know if there will be a gathering. If you have tried unsuccessfully to change areas of your life, Break Every Chain will help you discover the right solutions. We use the Biblically-based book Life’s Healing Choices to help guide you in finding freedom from your personal hurts, hang-ups and habits while helping you to grow in your relationships with others and God.
Worship with us every Tuesday at 9am in the Multipurpose Room. We will be starting in 2 Timothy 1! During Bible Study, we share prayer and praises with each other, spend time in worship, and listen to a teaching from our women’s ministry director, Cindy Rodgers.
Come join us for Real Life at Reser Stadium (Toyota Club) on Tuesdays at 8pm!
Men, join us for a morning prayer meeting Wednesdays at 6am in the Prayer Chapel! You can come for all or part of the hour as your work schedule allows.
If you would like to join the Nations group chat for our weekly Bible study and game nights on campus on Wednesday evenings, send your WhatsApp number to to be added and to stay updated on where and what time we're meeting!
Meet with us Wednesdays from 7-9pm in the Prayer Chapel. Join us for worship, teaching, small groups and games.
Join us Wednesdays at 7pm in the Multipurpose Room. We have worship, check in and small groups available for all middle schoolers. If you're unable to meet in person, let us know!
Men, gather with us weekly as we study in the book of Acts! We meet at 7:30am every Saturday in the Prayer Chapel for a time of teaching, small groups, prayer, and fellowship.