Does Heaven seem boring or way too confusing to you? Let's try to change that. For our final sermon in this series on the grand story of the Bible, we look to the future. Though it is filled with strange visions and descriptions that make the strongest Christian question their own understanding, the book of Revelation was written with a clear purpose in mind. Pastor Ricky helps us see the excitement, joy, and transformation that the apostle John hoped these visions would inspire in you today.
The Story of the Church
January 24, 2021 • Ricky Beck • Ephesians 2:11–22
Christ established the church and built it on many different people uniting under His name. So how in the world do all those people get along? We come to the second to last installment of our BEHOLD series to find out the answer to that question and more.
The Story of the Spirit
January 17, 2021 • Ricky Beck • Acts 1:6–8
Jesus said that it's actually BETTER for the Spirit to be with us instead of him. Why is that? Let's explore that question and more as we get to know the Spirit of God that is here with us right now.
The Story of Redemption
January 10, 2021 • Ricky Beck • Mark 15—16
Did you know your death could be redeemed? We now explore the life, death, and resurrection of Christ in the gospels as we continue to explore what the Bible is all about. You may not have wanted Christ to go through the suffering and death he did, but his resurrection might show you why he did it for YOU.
The Story of a New Heart
January 3, 2021 • Ricky Beck • Jeremiah 31:31–34
The Old Testament is definitely exciting! Jumping back into our BEHOLD series, Pastor Ricky introduces us to the Prophet Jeremiah and his incredible predictions for the believer. In this sermon, you'll either discover the experience of a transformed life or renew your desire for the Lord and his work.
The Story of Providence
December 13, 2020 • Ricky Beck
What do you do with a book of the Bible that doesn't mention God a single time? We continue in our BEHOLD series as we look at the book of Esther, where we learn how God works through our mistakes for our good and his glory.
The Story of Kingdom
December 6, 2020 • Ricky Beck
Does it matter to us today that God has established a kingdom and he is the king? How does that really affect us? Join Pastor Ricky through a 190 chapter overview of how to see God's Kingdom throughout the Old Testament books. Plus, discover from 2 Samuel 7 how God wants us to live in that Kingdom.
The Story of Unbelief
November 29, 2020 • Ricky Beck
Grumbling and complaining come easy to us. God knows it. He's experienced it from his people. Let's dive into an early example of Israel's complaints against the Lord to discover how our grumbling and complaining might cost more than we think.
The Story of Atonement
November 8, 2020 • Ricky Beck
From the Holy of Holies to the sacrificing of animals, God gave a lot of instructions to the Israelites when he brought them out of Egypt. The next step in our story is to find out WHY he gave those odd instructions and how that should change our perspective of God: Is He judgmental? Is He loving? Is He overbearing?
The Story of Command
November 1, 2020 • Ricky Beck
Have you ever sat down to read the book of Leviticus and thought, "Why, God?" Instead of cringing at the numerous laws God gives, it's possible to be filled with joy when observing God's law. And in this sermon, Pastor Ricky explains why the laws God gave Moses and the Israelites should cause you to love him even more in such a discouraging time.
The Story of Passover
October 25, 2020 • Ricky Beck
We've learned how God created everything good, how the problem of sin was introduced, and when God promised to fix the problem. But now we explore God's preview into HOW he will fix the problem of sin. Join Pastor Ricky in Exodus 5-12 as we unpack substitution and salvation.
The Story of Remembrance
October 18, 2020 • Ricky Beck
Why is it so hard to say "I'm ready" to the Lord? Pastor Ricky helps us take an in-depth look at the call of Moses to find out. But, you'll also discover how God has already prepared you and told you how to trust Him as you go live on mission.
The Story of Preservation
October 11, 2020 • Ricky Beck
A new character in the story is introduced: Joseph. God places Joseph in the story to teach about his sovereignty, blueprint for redemption, and preservation of promises.
The Story of Promise
October 4, 2020 • Ricky Beck
The story continues to unfold as we dive into Genesis 12 to explore what instruments God likes to use the most to write his story. Pastor Ricky helps clarify how God's promises and our faith link together in everyday life as we look at the example of Abraham and Sarah.
The Story of Fallenness
September 27, 2020 • Ricky Beck
After learning how God started the story with everything good, we jump into Genesis 3 and the Fall. Pastor Ricky explains some of the strange events that lead to the introduction of sin and unpacks how your shame and insecurities are connected to those strange events as we discover the beginning of hope.