February 18, 2024 • Pastor Delmer Geesey • Nehemiah 6:15
1. Nehemiah's wall is a microcosm of God's masterplan.
2. Jesus changed the focus from Israel to his church.
3. Nehemiah's completed wall elicited worship and obedience.
1. If you lose your why, you lose your what. 2. You are more than the sum of your parts. 3. Protection doesn't make us feel secure, confronting our fear does.
1. A wildfire caused Nehemiah's vision to be paused. 2. Nehemiah deals with the wildfire personally and directly. 3. Nehemiah's moral authority enabled him to be extinguish the wildfire.
1. The first attack on the vision was mockery. 2. The second attack on the vision was annihilation. 3. Plans often change, but the vision never does.