November 12, 2023 • Pastor Delmer Geesey • Acts 2:40
1. Solomon said it is foolish to chase the wind.
2. Jesus lost on purpose, with a purpose that included you.
3. The proof of the root is found in the fruit.
1. Faulty paradigms often skew reality. 2. To transform a paradigm is usually a process. 3. Opportunities to win another way; slip away quickly.
1. Jesus refused opportunities to avoid the cross and be king. 2. Just before his arrest, Jesus shows how to get to "The Next Level." 3. Jesus washing disciples feet was minor, compared to what followed.
1. Temptation can be disguised as an opportunity of as lifetime. 2. Jesus didn't come to repeat history, but to create it. 3. The symbol of our faith is a cross, not a trophy.