
We Often Believe We are the Problem

March 10, 2024 • Rev. David Petty, Sanctuary Choir, Jackie Fletcher • Luke 15:1–3, Luke 15:11–32

Judgment. Judgment. Judgment. Who among us doesn’t struggle with this… judging others, judging ourselves. And usually we are our own harshest critics. Some preachers have expressed a worry about how the phrase “good enough” might let people off the hook in striving for excellence. I actually think that the larger problem lies in the fear that the mistakes we inevitably make will be “fatal” in some way. So we stop being creative, we stop pushing boundaries and trying something new because the risk becomes too great. When this happens, we lose our agency for actually getting better because getting better necessarily means we WILL make mistakes until we learn. None of us will be even close to perfect right away at anything. But if we live in an environment where we know we will be loved anyway, we are more free to live fully and more hospitably ourselves.

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