Vain Grace and Idolatry
October 5, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 2 Corinthians 6
This portion of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians unveils a shocking revelation concerning the grace of God. The price Paul paid to get the Gospel to the Corinthians is expressed in a way that makes known to those reading his letter that grace required a proper response which some had not recognized and by their actions demonstrated that they did not understand YeHoVaH’s grace. Furthermore, the idolatrous practices of some had continued from their previous ways of life causing a stern warning to others to separate themselves from those whose lifestyle did not match the grace they had received.
And You Shall Love The Lord – Part 1
October 4, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
The Creator of the Universe demonstrated His love for us by sacrificing His only begotten Son for the sins of man. The Love of God is a gift you cannot earn. You do not deserve it and you cannot buy it. So how do we demonstrate our love for God? People today still argue that we must only "love" YeHoVaH with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. This teaching addresses these questions: • What does loving God look like? • How does the Bible instruct us to love God? • How do we demonstrate our love for God? The Bible clearly instructs us how YeHoVaH wants us to show our love for Him. .
Debt Cancellation, Slavery & Sacrifice
October 3, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 15
Embedded in YeHoVaH’s Law were Commandments of compassion for the poor, for slaves, and requirements of acceptable and unacceptable sacrifices. Although YeHoVaH’s economic provisions and resources provided each Israelite family opportunities to prosper when He brought them out of Egypt, some families fell into poverty for unknown reasons. Others sold themselves as slaves to provide for themselves. In this portion of Deuteronomy, YeHoVaH gave Moses Instructions for how the Israelites were to properly respond to the various situations aforementioned.
Kingdom Ambassadors
September 28, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 2 Corinthians 5
Chapter 5 of 2nd Corinthians contains a treasure trove of information that concludes with Paul identifying himself and those called by YeHoVaH in Messiah as His Ambassadors. He lays out what could be described as requirements, qualifications, and a job description for Kingdom Ambassadors. Paul's choice of words and the structural context he uses to present this portion of his letter to the Corinthians is a testimony to his personal service and commitment to the Gospel of the Kingdom, thereby indicating what would be required of those who are reconciled and called to represent the Kingdom of God.
Rosh Hashanah
September 27, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Those who are following Rosh Hashanah, in the 7th Biblical month as the New Year, are following what was established by Judaism and the Rabbis. Those who are following January 1st are following what was established by Caesar. When YeHoVaH spoke to Israel in Egypt, He gave them a particular month to follow as the beginning of months, the New Year. The Biblical New Year was instituted by YeHoVaH. We are commanded to observe the first month of the year and given Instructions on how to determine the first month. It is critically important to accurately determine the beginning of the 1st month of the year with the barley being Abib and the sighting of the renewed moon. That date determines the dates of the Early and the Latter Feasts.
The 3rd Year Tithe - A Commandment of Caring and Compassion
September 26, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
YeHoVaH cares and He is compassionate. His plan has always been to provide for His people. YeHoVaH, before He made man, He made the provisions for man. YeHoVaH wants to make sure that His people reflect Him. That is, that we would be caring and be compassionate. So, the Almighty commanded in His word that the poor, the stranger, the foreigner, the alien, the widow, and the fatherless be cared for. In this Teaching, we're going to look at how that relates to us today. The important part of studying what Father spoke thousands of years ago is to apply it in our lives today.
The Eighth Day 2024 – Setting The Record Straight
September 26, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Leviticus 23 lists all of YeHoVaH’s commanded Feasts. They start with the weekly Sabbath Feast, then an annual Feast cycle beginning with Passover, and concludes with the Eighth Day. The Eighth Day is the most misunderstood day of all of the Feasts. Of all the Feast days, the Eighth Day has the least amount of Instructions and information given to Moses by YeHoVaH which has led to a variety of sermons and misinformation about this sacred Holy Day. In this teaching, we will compare what is written and what is traditionally practiced in order to set the record straight and separate truth from tradition.
Kingdom National Treasures
September 21, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 2 Corinthians 4
There are treasures of the Kingdom that manifest themselves as provisions for those who are called to carry the Good News of the Kingdom to the nations of the world. There are also those who are called that are considered to be national treasures of the Kingdom. As in most nations or most countries there are national treasures in human beings or geographical sites. In this Chapter of Paul’s writing to the Corinthian Assembly, he reveals National Treasures of the Kingdom contained in human vessels.
What About Grace? Part 5 of 5
September 20, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Many Believers in Messiah misunderstand grace, salvation, and the Law. Messiah did not do away with the Law when He was crucified. In this Teaching, you will learn: • Grace is not a New Testament concept, but actually an Old Testament concept. • What the Bible really says about Law and grace. • Why we must keep the Law for the hope of salvation and the Holy Spirit. This is an absolutely relevant teaching for people of any faith.
The 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year Tithe
September 19, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
YeHoVaH’s plan to bless His Creation and people is firmly established in Genesis and incorporated throughout Scripture. Financial Blessings, according to YeHoVaH’s Word, are tied to the Commandments pertaining to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year Tithes. In this Teaching, the Tithes are explained in a simple and methodical way that is easy to understand and follow. By applying the lessons learned from this Teaching, you will enjoy Father’s Blessings associated with Tithes and have the provisions to celebrate His Feasts.
Feast of Tabernacles Service
September 19, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
The 7 day celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles in today’s time can easily overshadow the early days of why the Feast was commanded by YeHoVaH to be kept as a memorial for His people. In this teaching, we will take a journey back to the events that led up to the purpose of the Feast, the story of the Children of Israel, and those who joined themselves with them, their deliverance and journey from a land of bondage and poverty to a promised land flowing with milk and honey.
Yeshua the Atonement G.O.A.T.
September 14, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Yeshua’s life, ministry, and death bridges the Feast Day of Atonement and the New Covenant with Israel and those who are joined together in the Commonwealth of Israel. The prophecies concerning Yeshua, His life and ministry examples; His sacrificial death and resurrection; and ultimately, His commission to His followers to declare the Gospel of the Kingdom and the forgiveness of sin to the world is a testimony like no other. This teaching will compare and connect Yeshua the G.O.A.T with the sacrificial goat of The Day of Atonement.
What About Grace? Part 4 of 5
September 13, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Many Believers in Messiah misunderstand grace, salvation, and the Law. Messiah did not do away with the Law when He was crucified. In this Teaching, you will learn: • Grace is not a New Testament concept, but actually an Old Testament concept. • What the Bible really says about Law and grace. • Why we must keep the Law for the hope of salvation and the Holy Spirit. This is an absolutely relevant teaching for people of any faith.
Maximizing Your Talents
September 12, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Yeshua teaches the Parable of the Talents to His Disciples. Three servants were given specific numbers of talents. The two wise servants were distinguished from the wicked servant by what they did with the talents they had received. In this teaching, you will learn what Biblical talents are and their importance for today’s Kingdom Believers.
What About Grace? Part 3 of 5
September 6, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Many Believers in Messiah misunderstand grace, salvation, and the Law. Messiah did not do away with the Law when He was crucified. In this Teaching, you will learn: • Grace is not a New Testament concept, but actually an Old Testament concept. • What the Bible really says about Law and grace. • Why we must keep the Law for the hope of salvation and the Holy Spirit. This is an absolutely relevant teaching for people of any faith.