Fear, Unbelief and the Promise
April 29, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 24:36–53
Fear and unbelief in the life of Believers results in strange and unusual behaviors. Fear causes Believers to question what YeHoVaH has said and compels them to operate contrary to what has been instructed in YeHoVaH’s Word. The Promise of YeHoVaH’s Gift was given to enable Believers to stand on YeHoVaH’s Word. When Believers stand on YeHoVaH’s Word, they are empowered by His Spirit to walk according to YeHoVaH’s Instructions in full confidence and faith. In preparation for the teaching, Fear, Unbelief and the Promise, please read Luke 24:36-53.
Unbelieving Believers
April 15, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 24:11–35
Unbelief among Believers is as common today as it was in the days of Yeshua amongst many of His Disciples. There is a huge difference in following Yeshua, the Man, and obeying Yeshua, the Word made flesh. Believers are not just followers and hearers of the Word. True Believers are followers, hearers, and doers of the Word. In this teaching, we will examine the unbelief of Yeshua’s Disciples and His response to their unbelief, His expectation of them, and keys to strengthen our belief and faith in Yeshua. In preparation for the teaching, Unbelieving Believers, please read Luke 24:11-35.
The Resurrection and Easter
April 8, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 24:1–10
The Resurrection of Yeshua is the most controversial and yet most important recorded event in New Testament history, second only to what Yeshua did and taught while He was alive during the first phase of His earthly ministry. Immediately after His resurrection, fake news quickly circulated concerning the disappearance of Yeshua’s body. Modern religious theologians have further complicated Yeshua’s resurrection by associating it with Easter. In this teaching, we will explore The Resurrection and Easter connection. In preparation for the teaching, The Resurrection and Easter, please read Luke 24:1-10.
The Chosen
April 1, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 23:26–56
Yeshua is the light of the world, who came to take away the sins of the world. He demonstrated and revealed the way, the truth, and the life to His Disciples and to all who witnessed His earthly Ministry and were willing to be identified with Him as The Chosen One sent by YeHoVaH as Messiah. In this portion of Luke, we witness the ultimate climax of the first phase of Yeshua’s mission and purpose before breathing His last. In preparation for the teaching, The Chosen, please read Luke 23:26-56.
Gentiles, Jews and Prophecy
March 25, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 23:1–25
YeHoVaH prophetically instructed Yeshua on every aspect of His Ministry’s mission, from the selecting of His Disciples, the details of His death and resurrection, to His ultimate reign. Yeshua shared with His Disciples that which YeHoVaH gave Him to share and prophesied certain aspects of what He was shown. In this teaching, Yeshua’s prophecy of His treatment by the Jews and Gentiles, prophesied to His Disciples earlier, unfolds just as He had predicted. In preparation for the teaching, Gentiles, Jews and Prophecy, please read Luke 23:1-25.
Questioning God
March 18, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 22:54–71
Yeshua the Prophet, the Lord and Savior, the Messiah, the Son of man, the man, the Son of God, knew that the time had come that He had prophesied would come. Several of the prophecies about Yeshua, as well as prophecies He spoke over and to His Disciples, are fulfilled in this portion of Luke’s Gospel. The brutality of the soldiers and their irreverent behavior toward the Son of God is on full display as they mock Yeshua and as He is questioned by those who represent YeHoVaH. In preparation for the teaching, Questioning God, please read Luke 22:54-71.
Temptation and Betrayal
March 4, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 22:39–53
Temptations in the life of believers are common occurrences that many face on a daily basis. Yeshua revealed to His Disciples what they needed to do to avoid temptation and reminded them of this vital method when they unknowingly were about to face their greatest trial to date. Temptation, when not properly dealt with, or avoided, can lead to some very bad decisions. This causes great harm to ourselves, loved ones, and others, even leading to the betrayal of our Savior and Lord. In preparation for the teaching, Temptation and Betrayal, please read Luke 22:39-53.
The New Covenant and Prophecy
February 25, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 22:17–38
The New Covenant was declared prophetically through Jeremiah the prophet during the days of the Babylonian captivity. All of Israel knew YeHoVaH would make a New Covenant with Israel, but not how or when. Yeshua the Prophet, not only established the New Covenant at His last supper with His Disciples but He also made prophetic declarations Himself as The prophesied Prophet that would come. In this portion of Luke, we will look at some of the prophecies being fulfilled, and the prophecies the Prophet Messiah prophesied. In preparation for the teaching, The New Covenant and Prophecy, please read Luke 22:17-38.
Yeshua and The Passover
February 18, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 22:1–16
Yeshua’s final Passover, according to the Gospel of Luke, provides unique insight leading up to this epic event in Biblical history. Join us as we uncover and reveal critical truth and revelations about Yeshua’s final days and hours with His Disciples. Several important questions will be pondered in comparison to what occurred and what is written! In preparation for the teaching, Yeshua and The Passover, please read Luke 22:1-16.
Offerings and End Time Signs
February 11, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 21
YeHoVaH has always shown interest in the Offerings of men, even from the days of Cain and Abel. In this portion of the Gospel according to Luke, Yeshua uses the Offering of a poor widow as a teachable lesson on giving from the heart. The awe of the Disciples of the splendor of the physical Temple caused Yeshua to pivot and discuss the destruction of the Temple and the signs to look for that indicate the coming of the end of the age. In preparation for the teaching, Offerings and End Time Signs, please read Luke 21:1-38.
The Resurrection and the Messiah
February 4, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 20:27–47
Yeshua’s teachings in the Temple Court put Him in direct conflict and confrontation with the Chief Priests, teachers, and elders. The Sadducees challenge Yeshua with a legal question about marriage and the resurrection. Yeshua’s response left them speechless as He further challenged the religious leaders about their own knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures that they taught about who they understood the Messiah to be. In preparation for the teaching, The Resurrection and the Messiah, please read Luke 20:27-47.
The Kingdom Gospel & Religion
January 28, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 20:1–26
Early on in His Ministry, Yeshua exposed to His Disciples that the religious people would not understand the mysteries of the Gospel of the Kingdom which is why He spoke to them in parables. Upon the arrival of Yeshua and His Disciples to the Temple, Yeshua began a series of teachings that tremendously troubled the religious leaders. In this portion of Luke, the religious leaders challenged Yeshua’s authority, He refused to answer them, and they plotted to have Him arrested. In preparation for the teaching, The Kingdom Gospel & Religion, please read Luke 20:1-26.
The King and The House of God
January 21, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 19:28–48
Prophecies concerning the Prophet and Messianic King that would come from the House of David were foretold in the writings of Moses, the Psalms, and the Prophets. Several prophecies had been fulfilled by the time Yeshua sends His Disciples to prepare for His triumphal entry into the holy city, Jerusalem, and the teachings He would do in the House of God. Join in as we witness the great spectacle unfold in the teaching, The King and The House of God. In preparation for this teaching, please read Luke 19:28-48.
Salvation and The Second Coming
January 7, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 19:1–27
Yeshua’s journey up to Jerusalem leads Him through a city called Jericho. There He encounters a very rich man who goes through a great amount of difficulty to simply get a glimpse of Him. Yeshua used this man to communicate an understanding of salvation that people had in His day. Yeshua also shared a parable to correct the misconception that had been developed in the minds of the people around Him from His teaching on the Kingdom’s immediate physical establishment. In preparation for the teaching, Salvation and The Second Coming, please read Luke 19:1-27.
Eternal Life and Faith
December 31, 2022 • Arthur Bailey • Luke 18:18–43
Yeshua was asked this question by a certain wealthy ruler, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Yeshua’s response to the ruler came from the Law of YeHoVaH. Contrary to popular teaching, the subject of eternal life did not originate in the New Testament, but was a subject of concern prior to the advent of Yeshua. Eternal life, life eternal, and everlasting life became synonymous with salvation by New Testament writers and Believers. Is Yeshua’s answer to the rich ruler the same as He would give today? Is keeping the Law of YeHoVaH essential for eternal life today? Does being under grace void out YeHoVaH’s Law for Believers in Messiah? Join us and find out! In preparation for the teaching, Eternal Life and Faith, please read Luke 18:18-43.