Ronald Haynes

Family Matters

June 29, 2024 • Ronald Haynes • Matthew 12:46–50

Since the beginning, the enemy has waged warfare against families. When Satan’s schemes fail in a direct attack on a Believer, he usually resorts to the closest to them - an attack through their family. Through Yeshua’s responses, we should understand how to view and deal with our families. For many, a difficult choice to make is whether to appease our family or be obedient to YeHoVaH’s Laws and Commandments. Which one will you choose? 

What Man Are You Feeding?

December 9, 2023 • Ronald Haynes

YeHoVaH has called us to die to self and become a new man in Him. Many confess to be born again, only to continue the same actions as the man or woman they have always been. They also respond to others from the same carnal ways they’ve always had. To truly be born again, takes work in denying yourself and putting the Commandments of YeHoVaH before our internal feelings.

Don't Shoot the Messenger by Minister Ronald Haynes

August 5, 2023 • Ronald Haynes

Throughout history YeHoVaH has sent and used messengers, at His discretion, to convey and communicate Instruction and information to His people. Oftentimes YeHoVaH’s messengers were mistreated and not tolerated well by the people who lived amongst them. Torture, imprisonment, or even death is what many endured in their obedience to YeHoVaH. Needless to say, the problem was never the messengers; but it was the message they spoke that ultimately was the issue. Sadly, we put to death YeHoVaH's greatest Messenger of all, who spoke only truth and lived out perfection under the Law.

"Do thou knowest that thou art a virtuous woman?" Minister Ronald Haynes

June 3, 2023 • Ronald Haynes

The modern woman has fallen to devices of the enemy by disrupting the order of YeHoVaH. I ask, “Where has the virtue gone from out of Israel?” A virtuous woman of YeHoVaH is more valuable than precious rubies. Will you become one or be joined to a virtuous woman? Or, will you conduct yourselves like harlots or be joined there unto?

Salvation Is Not In Jesus with Ronald Haynes

April 22, 2023 • Ronald Haynes

Salvation has become the primary focus for the church and many believers today. Getting saved has become the focus instead of following the Commandment of Yeshua, whom they say they love (Matthew 28:19-20).   At the end of this teaching, those who argue that the true name of Messiah does not matter will see the error in the continual usage of “Jesus” as it relates to the subject of salvation.

Grace Under Law

March 11, 2023 • Ronald Haynes

Is grace only a New Testament key to salvation? Does not grace relate to keeping YeHoVah's Law? Are you, as a Believer, saved by grace and grace alone?  This teaching will connect what is believed to be a New Testament gift in grace to the Law of the Old Testament.

False teachers and Those Who Follow Them with Minister Ronald Haynes

January 14, 2023 • Ronald Haynes

Yeshua warned against the teachers of the doctrine of man. These Scriptures are widely known by Christians, however not widely understood by the same. We are all ultimately supposed to be Disciples of Messiah; we are to teach what He taught and do as He did.   Religion has remixed Scripture to increase membership to a building. This makes the Word of YeHoVaH of no effect.   Tune in this Shabbat for the teaching where Yeshua’s warning is clarified in detail.

Put Away Your Idols Oh Israel

November 26, 2022 • Ronald Haynes

Forbiddance of Idol worship can be found within the Ten Commandments. Of course, many people today do not understand idolatry or their participation in it. This teaching will identify the various types of idols found in the Bible, expose idolatry of today, and explain why YeHoVaH forbids the worship of idols.   Find out what Torah has to say about idols!

Feast of YeHoVaH: Knowing Yeshua is Following the Word – Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur

October 7, 2022 • Ronald Haynes

The ultimate sacrifice for Israel’s sins and the sins of the world were accomplished in Yeshua. In this teaching, Knowing Yeshua is Following the Word, we will be instructed on what it means to know Yeshua and follow the Word. A clear distinction will be made between the traditions of men and what is written in the Word and what it means to Love YeHoVaH as a result of the ultimate sacrifice for the atonement of our sins and the sins of the world.