1st Corinthians

A Verse-by-Verse Study by Arthur Bailey

There Is No Resurrection?

June 22, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 15:1–34

The resurrection of the dead was a matter of grave concern in the Corinthian assembly. Resurrection deniers amongst the brethren in Corinth put the foundation of the Gospel of the Kingdom, the Gospel Messiah taught, at risk and undermined the preaching of the Gospel, the salvation experience, and the hope of eternal life.   Additionally, the corrupted teaching against the resurrection caused the character of some to be corrupted, leading them away from righteous living to a sinful lifestyle.

Prophecy, Tongues & Orderly Worship

June 15, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 14

Yeshua told His followers that they “will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Inclusive of the promised Holy Spirit are the gifts of the Spirit including prophecy and tongues. Paul gives further instructions on operating in the gifts in an orderly fashion during worship including his position on women’s roles when the Saints assemble.

Faith, Hope and Love

June 8, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 13

Speaking in tongues, the gift of prophecy, words of knowledge, faith, and other gifts of the Spirit are extremely essential to the individual Believer and the Body of Messiah as a whole. The manifestations of these gifts in the Assembly amongst the Believers assists, builds, heals, encourages and grows the set apart ones into maturity in faith in Messiah. Equally as important as the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit in the Assembly are Believers operating these gifts in love.

Spiritual Gifts & The Body of Messiah

June 1, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 12

Spiritual Gifts are given to the Body of Messiah for a variety of reasons. Without Spiritual Gifts, the Body of Messiah would be ineffective and unable to fulfill its mission and purpose on the earth. YeHoVaH enables the Believer to manifest and operate the gifts of the Spirit in accordance to His will. This teaching takes the mystery out of manifesting Spiritual Gifts and empowers the Body of Messiah with truth relevant in today’s times.

Head Covers and Communion?

May 25, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 11

The wearing of head covers by men and women and the eating of the Lord’s supper or communion were topics the Corinthian assembly wanted Paul to address. This was based on their communication to him. Paul seemingly had insight and knowledge of what was going on amongst the Saints in Corinth. In this letter to them, he provided them with his own wisdom and Instructions he had received from the Lord Yeshua.

Without the Law There Is No Order by Minister Tahmi Flemming

May 18, 2024 • Tahmi Flemming

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. (1 Corinthians 14:33) Confusion is the breakdown of order; it is the state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something. When we are confused, this can lead to a loss of time, identity, direction, and place.  We must allow the truth of the Scriptures to restore Order.  Order is being on the path that truly leads to righteousness. Those who YeHoVaH, by His Spirit, has called to this path will be equipped to reach the plenteous harvest of souls.

Lessons Learned from Israel’s History

May 11, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 10

According to Acts 18:11, Paul spent a year and a half in Corinth “teaching them the Word of God”. At that time there were no New Testament writings. Therefore Paul taught from the Law, the Prophets, and the Historical Writings of the Tanakh/Old Testament. In this portion of Paul’s letter, he focused on the lessons the Corinthians should learn from Israel’s history and how to apply those lessons in their lives and in ours.

Was Paul an Apostle?

May 4, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 9

Paul’s second letter to the Corinthian assembly, referred to as 1st Corinthians by theologians, was a response to concerns and questions the Brethren had dealing with issues they were experiencing as a newly formed community. Apparently, Paul’s Apostleship was being challenged or called into question by some in the community whereby Paul attempts to bring clarification or justification to his calling as an Apostle in order to put the matter to rest. 

Food and Idols

April 27, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 8

The opening phrases of YeHoVaH’s communication to the newly formed Nation of Israel, via the first six verses of the Ten Commandments, dealt with the issues of other gods, graven images, and idol worship. Millenniums later, Paul is asked about the issue of eating meat sacrificed to idols and how the newly formed Corinthian community in Yeshua should respond to prevailing idolatry in the Greek city of Corinth.

Marriage: A Life Sentence

April 20, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 7

The Corinthian Believers had written to Paul about a series of issues pertaining to marriage and other subject matters they needed instructions on how to handle amongst the Saints within the Assembly. Paul goes into some detail in his response to them from both his own position on the subject of marriage and what is commanded by Yeshua based on what is commanded in the Law. Paul concludes that marriage is a life sentence.

Man's law vs God’s Law

April 13, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 6

The vast majority of those who profess faith in God today and follow Paul, approach YeHoVaH’s Word from an under the Law or under grace mindset. Those who reject God’s Law as a form of bondage declare that those who observe the Law are under a curse. Furthermore, they willingly submit to man’s law while unwittingly admitting that they put more faith in the laws of man than the Law of God. Is that what Paul teaches?

For the Love of Money by Minister Ronald Haynes

April 6, 2024 • Ronald Haynes

Money, a man-made tool which YeHoVaH allowed to be created, can be used for blessings and/or destruction, depending on who is in possession of it. Man is obsessed with having as much of this tool as possible. There are men of the world that possess it and men of the Kingdom that possess it as well. When money is sought more than the desire to display obedience to the Laws of YeHoVaH; it becomes the root of all evil.

Purge the Old Leaven

March 30, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 5

The Saints in the assembly at Corinth were the products of a very immoral city with a number of religious pagan influences including an infamous temple dedicated to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, whose worshipers practiced religious prostitution. Learning the new way of life for these Believers meant they had to purge some old ways of thinking and behaving, especially in the sexual category.

By Teaching & By Demonstration by Minister Chequita Walker

March 23, 2024 • Chequita Walker • Mark 1:1–28

According to Google, there are approximately 4,200 religions around the world. And if so, then imagine how many false gods there are that people are worshipping. Some religions proclaim their allegiance to one or more deities! When taking the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations, what is it that separates our Message from all of the other religious messages? What is it going to take for the lies to be exposed and for the Truth to be on full display?

Talkers and Doers

March 16, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 4

Knowing the Word and applying the Word of YeHoVaH are not the same. Hearing the Word and doing the Word are two different things. Knowledge of the Word provides intellectual stimulus and Scriptural material for religious conversation but does not provide the power the Word produces to set men free. The Corinthian believers are challenged in this Chapter by Paul to not be puffed up with their knowledge that manifests only in talk.