Searching the Scriptures - Deuteronomy

How to Overcome the devil

June 20, 2024 • Arthur Bailey

Yeshua understood the Power of YeHoVaH’s Law in defeating the devil. He did not quote a New Testament verse or passage, Yeshua quoted from the Law, the WORD of YeHoVaH!    This teaching illustrates that by coming in agreement with the LAW, one could defeat the devil at every turn. The Law, by itself, without faith is useless. The Law, as the Word of YeHoVaH, must be lived. We must be a doer of the Word. This teaching concludes with vital Keys to Overcoming the devil.   

True Prophets and false prophets

June 13, 2024 • Arthur Bailey

This Teaching gives vital information on how to recognize a True Prophet, how to recognize a false prophet, and ways to avoid being captivated by a false prophet. Though false prophets are hearing from a spirit, it is not the spirit of YeHoVaH!A prophet’s words must ALWAYS BE JUDGED. It is critical that we recognize our ability to hear directly from YeHoVaH and use the Gift of Discernment because by the time some people figure out if a person is a false prophet, the damage is already done.    This Teaching concludes with keys to help us avoid being taken captive or brought under the influence of a spirit or a false prophet.

What is Food & Tithing?

May 30, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 14

What food is and tithing are very important subjects that are exclusively defined in the Old Testament writings in the Book of the Law called the Torah. Although the subjects of food and tithing are briefly mentioned in the New Testament writings, it is impossible to get a proper understanding of these topics and their requirements for the Believer from the New Testament.

False Prophets and Wicked Men

May 23, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 13

False prophets and wicked men were of concern amongst the Israelites in the days of Moses and beyond. YeHoVaH provides strict Instructions on how to identify these individuals and what must be done to them once they are identified. The Instructions given were not only for that day, but for when they came into the land, and also for this day. Failure to comply with YeHoVaH’s Instructions could lead to the devastation of lives and leave a lasting impact on families for years to come.

The House of God

May 16, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 12

When YeHoVaH spoke His initial Words to the Children of Israel, He made it clear they were “not to have any gods before Him and not to make unto themselves graven images, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth”. YeHoVaH commanded Moses to instruct Israel to make sure when they entered the Land, they were to destroy all images, stones, and high places of worship. There was to be only one place of worship in the Land and that would be where YeHoVaH would place His Name.

Blessings or Curses?

May 9, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 11

YeHoVaH’s promise to Abraham was on the verge of being completed as Israel was being prepared by Moses to enter and take possession of the Promised Land. YeHoVaH’s plan from day one was to bless Israel as they came out of Egypt laden with jewels of silver and gold to go into a land flowing with milk and honey.   Israel had to make a choice of whether they would live in peace and blessings with YeHoVaH in their midst or in turmoil and curses as a result of not obeying YeHoVaH’s Commandments.

A Circumcised Heart

May 2, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 10

Modern day followers of Jesus Christ boldly declare they are not under the Law but are under grace. They are quick to proclaim that their God no longer requires a circumcision in the flesh, only a circumcision of the heart. Although they are unable to clarify what that actually means, they are equally ignorant of the fact that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, also required a circumcision of the heart from those who were partakers of the Covenant with Abraham, the father of our faith.

A Circumcised Heart

April 25, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 10

Modern day followers of Jesus Christ boldly declare they are not under the Law but are under grace. They are quick to proclaim that their God no longer requires a circumcision in the flesh, only a circumcision of the heart. Although they are unable to clarify what that actually means, they are equally ignorant of the fact that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, also required a circumcision of the heart from those who were partakers of the Covenant with Abraham, the father of our faith.

A stiffnecked Rebellious People

April 18, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 9

As Moses recaps Israel’s journey, he constantly reminds them of their disobedience. Israel’s rebellion, and their acts of disobedience against the Instructions of YeHoVaH, became a hallmark of the Children of Israel and those who joined themselves to Israel. At the threshold of the Land of Promise, Moses makes it clear why YeHoVaH was fulfilling His part of the Covenant He had made with Israel’s fathers and it had nothing to do with them or their righteousness.

Man Does Not Live On Bread Alone

April 11, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 8

YeHoVaH’s promises and blessings are connected to the Covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. After forty years of wilderness wandering, because of their lack of faith in YeHoVaH, the Children of Israel had to be reminded of the Covenant they made and how their blessings and promises were contingent upon them keeping their part of the Covenant Agreement.  

A Chosen People

April 4, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 7

YeHoVaH, a Covenant keeping God, and His Everlasting Covenant with Abraham led to Israel being chosen by Him to enter into a Covenant agreement. As a Chosen People in covenant with and set apart by YeHoVaH, Israel was forbidden to enter into covenant with any other nation and to set themselves apart from all the other nations. YeHoVaH (through Moses) instructed Israel, His chosen people, why they were to remain a set apart people and why they were not to enter into Covenants with the surrounding nations.

Hear, O Israel… by Minister Scott Russell

March 28, 2024 • Scott Russell • Deuteronomy 6

The title of the Book of Deuteronomy comes from the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Bible. It means “second law”, or “repetition of the law”. Deuteronomy consists of a series of Instructions given by YeHoVaH to Moses to teach the Children of Israel.   As we enter the 6th Chapter of Deuteronomy, Moses is preparing the new generation to inherit The Land of Promise. From Chapters 5-26 Moses is reciting all the remaining Instructions he had been given by YeHoVaH including his farewell speech to the Israelites teaching them YeHoVaH’s Commandments, Statutes and Laws.

The Covenant Agreement

March 21, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 5

As Moses recaps Israel’s journey from Egypt to the threshold of the Promised Land, he recalls the Covenant YeHoVaH made with the descendants of Israel and the great multitude at Mt Sinai. YeHoVaH spoke to the Children of Israel and the multitude face to face until the people refused to have YeHoVaH talk to them any more lest they die. YeHoVaH spoke, the people spoke, and this Chapter recalls the conversation of the Covenant Agreement.

Shema Israel

March 14, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 4

Moses was denied entrance into the Promised Land because he heard YeHoVaH’s Instructions and added to them with his words and by his actions. When Moses added to YeHoVaH’s Instructions, he changed what he was told to do and did what was in his heart to do. At the moment of Moses disobedience to YeHoVaH, what Moses desired most was denied and that day Moses learned his most valuable lesson, to Shema YeHoVaH.

A Terror to the Nations

February 29, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 2

Moses recapped Israel’s journey from Egypt to the threshold of the Land of Promise. The recap not only reminded the Israelites, and those who joined themselves to Israel, of their unnecessary hardships, plagues, suffering, and death but also exposes some pre-Israel history leading up to Israel becoming a nation. Prior to leading Israel into the Promised Land, YeHoVaH strategized to put the fear of Israel in the hearts of the nations they will dispossess.