The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Tithes

September 29, 2022 • Arthur Bailey

YeHoVaH’s plan to bless His Creation and People is firmly established in Genesis and incorporated throughout Scripture.  Financial Blessings, according to YeHoVaH’s Word, are tied to the Commandments pertaining to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year Tithes.

In this Teaching, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Tithes are explained in a simple and methodical way that is easy to understand and follow.  By applying the lessons learned from this Teaching, you will enjoy Father’s Blessings associated with Tithes and have the provisions to celebrate His Feasts.

How to Overcome the devil

June 20, 2024 • Arthur Bailey

Yeshua understood the Power of YeHoVaH’s Law in defeating the devil. He did not quote a New Testament verse or passage, Yeshua quoted from the Law, the WORD of YeHoVaH!    This teaching illustrates that by coming in agreement with the LAW, one could defeat the devil at every turn. The Law, by itself, without faith is useless. The Law, as the Word of YeHoVaH, must be lived. We must be a doer of the Word. This teaching concludes with vital Keys to Overcoming the devil.   

True Prophets and false prophets

June 13, 2024 • Arthur Bailey

This Teaching gives vital information on how to recognize a True Prophet, how to recognize a false prophet, and ways to avoid being captivated by a false prophet. Though false prophets are hearing from a spirit, it is not the spirit of YeHoVaH!A prophet’s words must ALWAYS BE JUDGED. It is critical that we recognize our ability to hear directly from YeHoVaH and use the Gift of Discernment because by the time some people figure out if a person is a false prophet, the damage is already done.    This Teaching concludes with keys to help us avoid being taken captive or brought under the influence of a spirit or a false prophet.

Casting Out Unclean Spirits

June 27, 2024 • Arthur Bailey

Unclean spirits are called by several names in the Old and New Testament Writings, i.e. devils, demons, evil spirits, etc. YeHoVaH gave specific Instructions for His people concerning unclean things, unclean spirits, and what to do to avoid them.  Casting out unclean spirits was not a common practice in Israel before Yeshua’s Ministry nor is it a common practice today. One of the first miracles of Messiah’s Ministry was demonstrated by casting out an unclean spirit from a man in a Capernaum synagogue.  In this teaching, we will examine the subject of unclean spirits, how to detect or recognize unclean spirits, and what to do to cast out unclean spirits according to the Instructions of the Messiah.