
Pentecost 2024 – Kings and Priests

May 19, 2024 • Arthur Bailey

YeHoVaH’s initial plan as revealed in Exodus 19:6, was for the Children of Israel, and those who joined themselves with them, to become YeHoVaH's Kingdom of Priests. They were to be the people who acknowledged Him as their King, and like Priests, were to be wholly consecrated to His service. According to Revelation 1:6, Messiah Yeshua “has made us kings and priests unto God and his Father”. How do we as followers of The Messiah become the kings and priests we are destined to be?

A Kingdom of Priests – 7th Day of Unleavened Bread

April 1, 2024 • Arthur Bailey

Mysteries of God, hidden in plain sight, are embedded throughout YeHoVaH’s Word from Genesis through Revelation. YeHoVaH’s plan for all mankind, openly revealed in Revelation, is secretly revealed in the Torah that YeHoVaH gave to Moses to teach His chosen people. The people’s choice, as revealed in their response to YeHoVaH, resulted in them becoming something other than the Kingdom of Priests He desired. However, YeHoVaH’s plan will be realized in us!

1st Day of Unleavened Bread 2024: The Exodus - Purging the Past

March 26, 2024 • Arthur Bailey

The 1st Day of Unleavened Bread is the beginning of a seven day Feast that immediately follows the Passover Feast. Passover and The Feast of Unleavened Bread are so connected that many have called Passover an eight day Feast. The 1st Day of Unleavened Bread marked a new nation’s exodus from bondage and the beginning of a new life of freedom that required a purging from the past.

Passover 2024: Redemption of the Firstborn

March 25, 2024 • Arthur Bailey

Passover is a sacred memorial commanded by the Creator to be commemorated on the 14th of Abib at evening. Contained in the commemoration is the celebration of the birth of a nation amongst other Instructions commanded to be observed.   Join us as we examine the various components of this Annual Feast revealed in the message Passover 2024: Redemption of the Firstborn.