To Tithe or NOT to Tithe Part 3

August 11, 2022

There are areas in our life that if we walk in obedience, we will see the Blessings in that particular area. Father has principles that deal with finances in the Kingdom. People who Tithe seem to be healthier, wealthier, and wiser. They seem to be happier and to enjoy life more. People who don’t Tithe seem to be lacking, sickly, miserable, confused, and worriers. They never have enough. They struggle to make ends meet.

This Teaching Series addresses several important questions. Why do we Tithe? Is Tithing for everyone today? Wasn’t Tithing done away with? How much and how often do we Tithe? Whose money is it? What did Messiah teach us about tithing?

The Tithe Is a Tenth - Part 3
There is Scriptural evidence that Abraham was a Law keeper and a Commandment keeper. He obeyed Father’s voice. However, every conversation that YeHoVaH had with Abraham is not recorded. Part 3 explores the Bible passages surrounding Abraham giving Melchisedec Tithes of all. Abraham ensures that the Almighty gets the Tithes of the spoils of the war that Abraham had won. We are also cautioned not to read the Bible while making assumptions, because chances are that our assumptions will be wrong.