Deuteronomy – The Introduction

February 15, 2024 • Arthur Bailey

Deuteronomy, the conclusion of the Torah, is the final set of Instructions YeHoVaH gave to Moses to give to the Children of Israel and the great multitude of people who joined themselves to Israel.


In the Introduction, although it is common knowledge to most, we will answer the questions of: who wrote Deuteronomy, to whom it was written, when, and why?

What is Food & Tithing?

May 30, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 14

What food is and tithing are very important subjects that are exclusively defined in the Old Testament writings in the Book of the Law called the Torah. Although the subjects of food and tithing are briefly mentioned in the New Testament writings, it is impossible to get a proper understanding of these topics and their requirements for the Believer from the New Testament.

False Prophets and Wicked Men

May 23, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 13

False prophets and wicked men were of concern amongst the Israelites in the days of Moses and beyond. YeHoVaH provides strict Instructions on how to identify these individuals and what must be done to them once they are identified. The Instructions given were not only for that day, but for when they came into the land, and also for this day. Failure to comply with YeHoVaH’s Instructions could lead to the devastation of lives and leave a lasting impact on families for years to come.

The House of God

May 16, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • Deuteronomy 12

When YeHoVaH spoke His initial Words to the Children of Israel, He made it clear they were “not to have any gods before Him and not to make unto themselves graven images, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth”. YeHoVaH commanded Moses to instruct Israel to make sure when they entered the Land, they were to destroy all images, stones, and high places of worship. There was to be only one place of worship in the Land and that would be where YeHoVaH would place His Name.