7th Day of Unleavened Bread - Renewing the Mind: Preparation for Living a Kingdom Life
April 4, 2021 • Arthur Bailey
7th Day of Unleavened Bread - Renewing the Mind: Preparation for Living a Kingdom Life is part of The Feasts of YeHoVaH 2021 series of Teachings that prepare the believers to fully understand why we celebrate the Feasts of YeHoVaH that occur early in the Biblical Year.
For four hundred years, Israel had been in Egypt; many of those years they lived as slaves. The Israelites had been in bondage, forced labor, surrounded by idolatry, unable to make decisions for their own lives, and forced to comply with the instructions of their slave masters.
They lived and breathed amongst the Egyptians, forced to comply with Egyptian law, without a way of life prescribed by YeHoVaH.
Immediately after delivering them, YeHoVaH began to instruct them and caused them to implement a New way of life which required a New way of thinking. The New way was necessary to comply with their New Master, YeHoVaH, who delivered them out of the hands of their former slave masters.
Join us today at 1PM ET for this powerful prescription designed by the Creator of the universe for turning slaves into a nation, to be envied by the kingdoms of the world in the Message, Renewing the Mind: Preparation for Living a Kingdom Life.