From the Passover Celebration to the Eighth Day Assembly, YeHoVaH reveals Himself and the story He wants the Children of Israel, and those who joined themselves with Israel, to remember. The story is about their deliverance and journey from a land of bondage and poverty to a promised land flowing with milk and honey. Each Feast was designed to be a celebration, but also a reminder of issues the Children of Israel had with YeHoVaH and issues YeHoVaH had with the Children of Israel.
The Children of Israel’s hasty departure from Egypt and sojourning in the wilderness made them vulnerable and subjected them to the wilderness and its natural resources for survival in an unforgiving desert land. Throughout their wandering in the wilderness, Israel had to be totally dependent on YeHoVaH as He led them from place to place. They had to hearken to every word that proceeded from His mouth in order to survive and reach their destination and destiny.
Join us for the Feast of Tabernacles as YeHoVaH continues to reveal His story and message to the Children of Israel, and those who joined themselves with them, in the message titled, Tabernacles – The Feast of Sukkahs.
Sukkot /Tabernacles 2021 - Tabernacles: The Feast of Sukkahs
Feast Day
September 23, 2021 • Arthur Bailey
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Feasts of YeHoVaH 2021