All for the H

All for the H - week 12

November 28, 2021 • Matt Roberson • Mark 6:1–6, Luke 7:1–10

How would it look to live our life looking towards the promises of Jesus and not just our life experiences? What is Jesus unwilling or unable to do in your life, your family’s life, this church’s life because of a lack of belief, a lack in faith of who Jesus is, what He alone can do? Find out how to be encouraged in our faith from Pastor Matt in our final week in All for the H.

All for the H - week 11

November 21, 2021 • Scott Rodgers • Luke 10:30–37

What if showing the gospel was just as important as sharing the gospel? What's most helpful, announcing good news or being good news for someone else? This Sunday, we continue All For The H by discussing how neighboring well is messy, inconvenient, but oh, so worth it!

All for the H - week 10

November 14, 2021

Throughout the Bible, we are encouraged to love our neighbor. Specifically, “as ourselves.” Why is this part so important?

All for the H - week 9

November 7, 2021 • 1 Corinthians 15:58

There's a danger in doing good, a pitfall when our "yes" is always on the table. Praying, "Lord, here am I, use me," is the appropriate posture for a Christ-follower, but neglecting our human limitations can lead to burnout. So how do we do the Lord's work with the Lord's strength?

All for the H - week 8

October 31, 2021 • Matt Roberson • John 1:10–14, Philippians 2:3–11, 2 Corinthians 5:14–21

Walking in another man's shoes means we'll need to remove our own. Coming alongside someone in need may mean we set aside something in ourselves. Loving others well can require humility as we identify with the hardships of those around us, much as Jesus did for us all. In this message we look at more ways we can be All For the H.

All for the H - week 7

October 24, 2021 • Scott Rodgers

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus was moved with compassion. The result? Healing, provision, new life, and hope. As followers of Jesus, our calling is to be a people of compassion. What does compassion look like for you? For TheMET? For our community? Join us this Sunday as we continue All For The H.

All for the H - week 6

October 17, 2021

Hear our vision for TheMET community center! So many exciting things are ahead, All for the H!

All for the H - week 5

October 10, 2021

Jesus says that what makes a person great is how they serve other people. What does it look like to shift our focus onto blessing those around us with our unique gifts rather than seeking blessing for ourselves? Find out this Sunday in week five of All for the H.

All for the H - week 4

October 3, 2021

You don't have to be a farmer to know that what you stick in the ground is what is going to grow. The same is true with our lives and our communities. Our daily habits, patterns, and thoughts are like seeds that will one day produce a harvest, good or bad. How can we sow for a healthy harvest - a harvest that pleases God in our lives as well as our community?

All for the H - week 3

September 26, 2021 • Scott Rodgers • Luke 15:1–7

God's pursuing love is our great hope. Invite someone to join you this Sunday as we take a compelling look at what the Scriptures reveal about Jesus' heart for those apart from a relationship with him.

All for the H - week 2

September 19, 2021 • Matt Roberson • Romans 1:5–7

Our hearts drive us. What captures them ignites our passions, our pursuits. If they have been transformed by the gospel of Christ, the good news of what He has done for us will naturally flow out of us to others. In this week of All for the H, we're looking into how God has commissioned us to be apart of gathering others into His family.

All for the H - week 1

September 12, 2021 • Scott Rodgers • Galatians 6:9–10

What if the church exist to lift the city, impact the community, and help people encounter Jesus? Imagine what God might do when we go all in- for Houston, the harvest, and His house. More than a teaching series, this Sunday, we kick off a season when we're All for the H.