
The Call

March 27, 2022 • Scott Rodgers • Galatians 3:8–9, Genesis 12:1–9

Much like Abram, we all may feel "called" to do something. But as Christ followers, the blessing is often on the other side of obedience to God. Hear from Pastor Scott about who we are all "called to be" in Christ.

Tower of Babel

March 20, 2022 • Daren Neely • Genesis 11, Psalm 52:6–9, Psalm 20:6–8, Isaiah 31:1, Psalm 33:12–19

God may seem to punish us for things we’ve done, but in this story, Daren walks us through man’s intentions vs. God's intentions.

The Ark

March 13, 2022 • Matt Roberson • Genesis 9, Genesis 7, Genesis 8

We normally think of Noah when we hear of The Ark. But what exactly does it mean to be in an Ark, and what changes you as you emerge from yours. Find out more as Pastor Matt shares Part 2 of Noah's story.

Noah, God, and the Evil of Man

March 6, 2022 • Scott Rodgers • Genesis 6:5–22, Matthew 24:37–39, 1 Peter 3:20, Hebrews 9:27–28

What does Genesis 6 show me about God, people, and myself through the story of Noah and the Ark? Pastor Scott Rodgers walks us through God's patience and judgment in a dark world, and how this impacts our lives today. God started over with a guy and his family. What can God do through you?

Good Guy, Bad Guy, and then there's us.

January 30, 2022 • Scott Rodgers • Genesis 4

Sibling rivalries, dysfunctional families, and religious hostility is nothing new. This Sunday, we'll see where it all began and, more importantly, discover a spiritual practice that has the power to help us walk a different path. Join us as we dig into chapter four of the book of Genesis.

Bad news, good news.

January 23, 2022 • Matt Roberson • Genesis 3

The serpent was crafty. The man and woman were curious. The result? God's good design for relationships is broken. Humanity has fallen and gone into hiding. But here comes God, pursuing, redeeming, and loving. Join us this Sunday as we continue in the book of Genesis.

Whose image are we talking about?

January 16, 2022 • Scott Rodgers • Genesis 1:27–31

What's the big deal? You are. It's pretty easy to see what's wrong in the world; what's wrong with us. But if we go back to the beginning, we get a glimpse of what's right. God doesn't make mistakes. When He made you, He did something good. In the original creation account, we discover not only God's plans for humanity, but we also see His plans for me. Join us this Sunday as we continue our teaching series through the book of Genesis.

Where It All Began

January 9, 2022 • Matt Roberson • Genesis 1:1–2

Creation, rebellion, redemption, it all began somewhere. More importantly, it began with someone. If the God of the Bible created it all, what does that mean for our lives? Genesis is a book of firsts. Join us as we consider the “firstness” of God in week one of our new sermon series, Genesis.