1. Read Genesis 3:1-6. Do you trust God to define what is good and what is evil? Why or why not? Explain.
2. Is it possible that we have created a cultural Jesus and a cultural Christianity?
3. Would you define yourself as a true follower of Christ? Are you living with the eternal kingdom in mind or is your hope and trust in the man-made kingdoms of this world?
4. How do we change our hearts to be conformed into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ?
5. Read Matthew 28:19-20. The call of the kingdom, and following Jesus, is defined by the work of making disciples of Jesus Christ. Are you actively involved in making disciples? How?
Know the Unknowable (7-19-20)
What if you could know the one thing on earth that literally everyone else is dying to know?
July 19, 2020 • Blake Murchison
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