Hannah's Story


May 14, 2023 • Mark Bowen, Kate Deyle

Hannah shows us the path to learning more about God, ourselves and the world through the pain of infertility.

Finding Rest in a World That Never Stops

May 14, 2023 • Tim Weber

We live in a world that never stops. And unless you’re careful, you will burn out. Our time and attention are in constant demand. Endless to do lists, phones that constantly “ding/vibrate” and demand a fast response, diapers that need to be changed, kids sports to attend, homework to finish, a house that needs cleaning, lawn that needs to be mowed, a neighbor who needs help...it never ends! Believe it or not, in the middle of all this, it is possible to find real rest.

Perfectly Imperfect Moms

May 14, 2023 • Mark Stiglicz

Being a mom is an incredibly important and noble task. It’s also a challenging one. Have you ever felt discouraged by comparing yourself to other moms or families? You don’t need to be perfect to have a positive impact. Moms, be encouraged that God will use you in great ways, even though you’re an imperfect mom.