Uncommon Respect

August 15, 2021 • Mark Stiglicz • Ephesians

“An uncommon family shows respect to each other as an act of worship to the Lord.”


It’s no secret that family life in America has become increasingly dysfunctional and we are paying a terrible price. Is there any hope? YES! God has timeless wisdom for today’s families. He cares for us and wants to bring a wonderful transformation to all hearts and homes. In this way, we can experience a wonderfully “uncommon” family life that the world notices. Let’s learn together God’s wisdom for our families. Watch the promo video above.

Uncommon Love

August 8, 2021 • Spencer Bernard • Ephesians

"The key to the uncommon family life is mutual, but distinct, submission."

Uncommon Honor

August 22, 2021 • Brent Knox