Ted #6: Intimacy Through Communication

Deacon & Rosanne Ales • Romans 12:15, 1 Peter 3:7


What are your communication tendencies in marriage?

In what ways have you learned to “rejoice with those who rejoice, and mourn with those who mourn?”

In what ways do you feel God calling you to grow in your marital communication?

Description & Discussion Sheets

These audios were recorded at our 2024 Couples Conference. "Each marriage is filled with highs and lows. How do we navigate these and grow closer to our spouse? Get ready to hear short Ted-Talk-style inspirational messages from our own Hometown pastors and their wives! These encouraging audios will cover many topics that are sure to inspire you both! 

Ted #1: Trying to Understand Her

Rob & Michelle Busse • 1 Peter 3:7

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Wives, what are some ways your husband has grown in understanding since you got married?  Wives, what are some areas that you could use a little more understanding from your husband? Be as specific as possible with things you have gone through or are going through. If there are any ways that either of you (husbands included) have felt misunderstood, gently bring those up.  What are some things you could do to try to grow in understanding of your spouse? If you are struggling to come up with something, maybe your spouse can help you out. 

Ted #2: Navigating Sex

Brent & Mary Knox • 1 Corinthians 7:3–5

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do each of you like sex?  What factors are affecting your desire for sex?  Have you given authority over your body to your spouse?