I Can Make You Powerful

November 12, 2023 • Kitt Guerrier • 1 Timothy 6:9–10, Psalm 49

"Money has power, but that power has limits."

More from Money Talks


“I can give you more. More stuff, more power, status…and safety”. Money does talk, and it talks loud! But should we listen? Why not? Don’t we all want what money offers? Isn’t that the point of earning and saving more? Money talks, but so does our Lord. In this 4-part series, we’ll discover what God’s Word has to say about money.

I Can Make You Happy

November 5, 2023 • Brent Knox

“More money does not equal happiness.” It’s easy to say, but hard to believe. Verses referenced: Luke 12:16–21, NLT Matthew 6:24, ESV  Luke 12:13–15, NLT Luke 18:18-23, NLT Matthew 6:22–23, NLT Luke 12:29-30, NLT Isaiah 55:1-3, NLT Acts 20:33–35, NLT

I Can Make You Significant

November 19, 2023 • Spencer Bernard