How about you create a list of your top Christian books, Pastor Andrew. Fiction, Historical fiction and non-fiction - suitable for lay people. And, identify those that are in our Church Library.
How does the divine service differ from other LCMS services?
Christmas thoughts
Ask the Pastor Season 3 Episode 11
November 25, 2024
Did Job get ten new kids or did God raise his kids from the dead?
I like listening to Christian music. Some call this music heresy.
I also watch movies about the Bible. Growing up we watched Charleston Heston in the Ten Commandments every year. I am currently watching The Chosen. I realize it is a tv show based on the Bible that takes creative liberties. What I appreciate is seeing the culture and history portrayed, and it has also led me to read the Bible more to better understand the scene they are portraying. Is there an issue with watching ‘Christian’ movies/shows?
Ask the Pastor Season 3 Episode 10
October 28, 2024
How does the placing of Pastors work in the LCMS? Do you have guidance over Christ Lutheran long-term or do you shift like Catholics do?
How should Christians approach voting and politics?
You shared a good way to better understand a parable is to place ourselves and Jesus in different roles of each parable. Would you please review that again?
Ask the Pastor Season 3 Episode 9
September 30, 2024
I know that the Hebrew word for holy means set apart, but I was wondering if it had a positive connotation attached to it. I know culturally I understand holy to be a good thing, but I learned a while back that it doesn't necessarily mean good. It just means to be set apart, but I was wondering if it technically had a positive connotation to make holy something that is set apart, but also good?
How many times did David kill Goliath? According to 1 Samuel 17:49-52 Goliath was killed twice.
Michaelmas and the Angels
Ask the Pastor Season 3 Episode 8
August 26, 2024
What makes a Lutheran a Lutheran?
When we hear of “Lutherans” in the news, are they usually talking about a Church that we would align ourselves with doctrinally or not?
Why are we studying the Lutheran Confessions in Bible study, not just the Bible?
Why should I attend Bible Study and Chapel?
Ask the Pastor Season 3 Episode 7
July 29, 2024
How do you pray the Psalms?
Do you baptize a baby if the parents aren’t married?
I have heard it said that there will be no birth in the new earth after the resurrection because there will be no longer be any death. However in the garden before sin and therefore death, Adam and Eve were commanded to fill the earth with their offspring. Why the difference?
What does a blessing do?
Ask the Pastor Season 3 Episode 6
June 24, 2024
How should Christians handle dreams?
Why is the Gospel of Thomas not in the Bible?
Can you explain hate in Luke 14:26 when we’re supposed to
love each other?
Is it a sin against the 9th/10th
commandment to keep praying for something that God hasn’t given?
Thoughts on 6 years as a Pastor.
Ask the Pastor Season 3 Episode 5
May 28, 2024
God created the world and everything in it, then sin entered and ruined it all. When Jesus comes again and we go to the new Jerusalem (new heaven and earth) will there not be any animals that God created in the beginning? I do know we will be singing and praising God, however will we still have things to do like caring for the New Jerusalem?
What is the third heaven?
What is the antichrist?
Season 3 Episode 4 (April 2024)
April 29, 2024
How should we, as Christians, think about adoption or fostering?
Do animals have souls or spirits?
Why can Lutheran Pastors be married, but Catholic priests can’t?
Season 3 Episode 3
March 25, 2024
How should a Christian think about birth control?
What about IVF and other fertility treatments?
Can babies repent? (Thinking in regards to baptism)
What does it mean that Jesus was a Jew?
Ask the Pastor Season 3 Episode 2
February 26, 2024
The logistics of the sacrifices. How did they get anything else done? How could they have that many lambs without blemish? How did they remember all of the rules?
What about the ashes on Ash Wednesday? Do I have to get them? What about the idea of getting ashes but not going to Church on Ash Wednesday?
What are some of the traditions of Lent and why do we do them?
Are other religions just different paths to God? What about other denominations?
Season 3 Episode 1 (January 2024)
January 29, 2024
What about cremation? Is it a sin?
Is it wrong to have a celebration of life instead of a funeral?
You were saying one of the characteristics of the sacraments is physical. You went over the physical elements of baptism and communion but skipped confession. What is the physical element of confession?
Regarding baptism you said the reason we baptize is because Jesus said we should but John the baptist was baptizing before Jesus instructed it. When did baptizing start? Is it a jewish custom? If not, why was John doing it?
Lenten Theme
Season 2 Episode 12 (December 2023)
December 18, 2023
When Jesus comes back is there any sin/devil?
Is there any soccer, events, shopping, restaurants, cars, etc. in heaven/new creation?
Will there be animals in heaven?
Do we stay the same age in heaven? (like if you die at 100, do you stay 100?) Do we look the same when we die or do we look like we are our 20 year old self?
What if somebody that is generally a good person that doesn’t believe in Jesus, do they go to hell?
Will we remember our lives here on earth?
Season 2 Episode 11 (November 2023)
November 27, 2023
1. What is the easiest manner to locate past episodes of your Q&A discussions? I have found it tough to search through our FB site. Are they on the CLC page under video, or in another location that is easy to locate?
2. Closed communion is to accept the sacraments in unity together as believers of the same, however there are likely members partaking in communion who do not believe they are receiving the blood and body of Christ-or church members who do not understand this. How does that differ if someone is from another Lutheran Synod or another believer, and partakes in the sacrament at CLC?
I know what I believe, and how the sacrament is a gift of righteousness from God…Why/how does it matter that another at the rail may not believe the same?
Is it ok for me to receive communion at another Lutheran synod (non LCMS) church?
3. Can you discuss all the names for God and the 3 persons of God; Lord, Jesus, Christ, Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai, Yeshua, Christ Jesus, Father, Savior, Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost and likely more I can’t think of.
Some of the context is obvious, but when and how have these names been used and when are we to use which names in current times?
4. I have heard CLC members say they will not support or do not like certain community or civic groups (even calling them pagan).
I am referring to groups who provide generous and giving services to our community such as feeding, clothing and other basic needs. Would you talk about this a little more? What is the approach for working together in a community that holds different beliefs?
Ask the Pastor Season 2 Episode 10
October 30, 2023
Since Adam and eve sinned in the presence of God in the beginning when the world was pure, what is stopping anyone in Heaven from sinning now? That sin would cause them to be cast away like Adam and Eve were. When the world is restored will we repeat the same mistake they did?
Can a baby be baptized in the womb?
In Matthew 24:34 when Jesus says “Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” What does he mean by “this generation”?
How should Christians think about Israel and the Jews today?