
Empty Yourself

April 28, 2024 • Marcus Stenson • Luke 23:38–43

In week three of the series "Steps to Jesus," the focus is on the necessity of emptying ourselves to truly follow Christ. The rich young ruler is challenged by Jesus to sell all he has and give to the poor to gain treasure in heaven. Marcus emphasizes that being a disciple of Jesus means surrendering everything we thought would bring us joy, power, and purpose, including our dreams and possessions. The sermon concludes with the powerful contrast between the rich young ruler and the criminal on the cross, illustrating that when we have nothing left but faith, we can become richer than ever before in the kingdom of God.

Submit To Jesus

May 12, 2024 • Mark 1:16–20

Are you a fan or a follower? Our series "Steps To Jesus" wraps up with a call to genuine discipleship. What does it mean to 'follow' someone? Our casual clicks on social media with the deep are not the type of 'following' Jesus calls us to. In this message, Marcus unpacks the three-part path of a disciple: following Jesus, being changed by Him, and committing to His mission.

Pursue The King

May 5, 2024 • Marcus Stenson • Philippians 2:5–11

Have you ever though about life as a journey? In this 4th message of our "Steps To Jesus" series we consider that thought, with a particular focus on the destination that truly matters. Marcus draws parallels between the rituals of a road trip and the journey of life, emphasizing the importance of having the right destination. While snacks, music, and directions can make a road trip enjoyable, it's ultimately the destination that determines its success. Similarly, in life, we may try various paths to find fulfillment, but the only path that leads to true purpose and joy is the one that follows King Jesus.

Trade Up

April 21, 2024 • Marcus Stenson • 1 John 1:1–5, Luke 18:18–20

In Part 2 of our "Steps to Jesus" series, we're taking a deep dive into what it means to truly follow Jesus. Last week, we tackled the concept of starting over, leaving behind our "comply to get by" mentality and seeking a genuine relationship with God. This week, we're focusing on the next step: "trading up" our limited view of God for a true understanding of His goodness and holiness.