Exploring the Prophetic Gifts / Online Class with Joy

Registration Required!

February 3, 2025
6:30 - 8:00pm

Exploring the Prophetic Gifts - The Who, What, Where and When of it All 

* Early Bird Rate $69 / $89 after December 20

* January 6 - February 10, 2025

* Monday Nights | 6:30-8:00pm (EST) | via Zoom

The spiritual realm is a mystery, mainly because our western world relies heavily upon the limited power of the human intellect. However, God designed humans in His image as triune beings. This means we have more than our powerful brains, we have our spirit that works completely different than our minds, as well as our body. When all three dimensions of our being work together, under the guides and authority of Holy Spirit, we can be more than a mere human; we can access our divine purpose (Galatians 3:3, 1 Corinthians 3:3). Holy Spirit equips us with certain gifts that empower us to access the spirit realm to gain intimacy with God and the power to walk in our divine purpose (1 Corinthians 12). These gifts are often referred to as the prophetic gifts. This class will explore who these gifts are for, what they are, where and how the gifts operate, and when to use them, all according to scripture. 

Here's an overview of what to expect from this 6-week class:

Jan 6 - Who are these gifts for? (Pt. 1)

* Gifted vs. anointed.

* The virtues that must lead those who receive the gifts.

Jan 13 - Who are these gifts for? (Pt. 2)

* Having a heart to honor God and man.

* Walking in freedom.

Jan 20 - What are the prophetic gifts? 

* The nature of prophecy.

* Understanding the spiritual realm.

Jan 27 - Where and how these gifts operate. (Pt. 1)

* Defining the gifts. 

* The operation of the gifts. 

Feb 3 - Where and how these gifts operate. (Pt. 2)

* Learning from the best.

* Using all your senses to discern good from evil.

Feb 10 - When to use the gifts.

* Understanding the timing of the Lord.

* Getting things before their appointed time.

* Prophecy is subject to the prophet. 

* God is looking for someone to stand in the gap before Him.

A Zoom link will be provided after registration and before class begins. Registrants will also have access to the weekly video recordings via a private Facebook group.