Seeking Prayer Movement Part 3: Praying Online

June 21, 2022 • Rebecca Ewing

“God has blessed us with tools that would allow us now, just in the palm of our hand, to instantly send messages and to have conversations with people who are thousands of mies away. And we should not take that lightly. We should consider that a gift.” - Rebecca Ewing

In today's podcast Rebecca Ewing shares about praying together using online tools and communities. And how this can remove the barriers of location and time difference.

In part 4, Rebecca talks about the prayer events and looks at that they are most useful for and what they are not useful for. Giving them their proper place in creating a prayer movement.

Visit or click the link below for part 4. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!