Do I Quit My Church Activities to Do Disciple Making (Part 1)

January 23, 2020 • Rebecca Ewing, Paul Watson

This is a question we get asked all the time. You might be excited about doing Disciple Making Movements and are wondering if doing stuff at your church will clash. Today Paul Watson and Beck Ewing are here to tell you that disciple making IS a church activity! While some church activities might need to be shifted, Disciple Making Movements should totally be compatible with your church.

We discuss questions you can ask about your own church activities, such as, "Does this activity lead directly to disciple making?" and "What does follow-up look like?" Church outreach events, potlucks, camps, and trips are great but we need to be asking what happens after the activity and making a plan for where it leads.

In the second half of the episode, we talk about wisely investing our time as disciple makers. We all get the same amount of time, how can we make the most of it?