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Prayer - Remember The Prisoner

November 8, 2023

Today marks a milestone for the Freedom Initiative. Today's episode details what to expect in our newly released Prayer Podcast for prisoners. Join us in: Celebrations, Prayer Focus - Germany & more; and a nice, "dog-pile" prayer session for the prisoners. Tune in and pray for our brothers and sisters who are behind bars.

RTP: Requests from Taiwan

We add a new family to our Remember The Prisoner Podcast. Adam joins us to pray for the prisoners requests. He also shares how we an pray for him as he disciples Taiwan natives to make disciples who make disciples.

RTP: Guinea Africa

Tim opens up about the ministry in Africa, and how locals are discovering and sharing God's Word to one another.

RTP: Germany's Progress

Thomas shares the latest in his Disciple Making ministry. We pray for him and the prisoners requests today in Remember The Prisoner.