
Decentralization: What it is, What it isn't, and How to Get There

Starfish, Spiders & the Myth of Decentralization

When it comes to DMM, there are debates over leadership structures and a drive toward what is called decentralization. Are leaderless teams and organizations more healthy? Or is it better to have a leadership structure? The answer is a nuanced and emphatic: Both! The early Church had unity through the apostles and other leaders who led and organized not only whole areas, but the Body of Christ globally.

Paul then uses the Navy Seal Teams to illustrate how decentralization works and what you have to do to get there. They operate in small bands while working within a definitive leadership structure through incredible leader building with intense accountability. It allows the insight of the boots-on-the-ground operator to do what's best, while still being tied to the larger vision, strategy, and purpose.

In order to achieve decentralized leadership though, there has to be a rigorous and thorough process to create leaders who can operate and make decisions effectively while still remaining accountable and under the orders of higher command. That growth process and qualities of a decentralized leader includes: 1) A radical commitment to a single vision and purpose. 2) Commitment to constant training, coaching and mentoring. 3) Ruthless Evaluation 4) Radical Accountability 5) A call to Higher Character and Maturity. Ultimately, both over leaders and local leaders are needed to fulfill the mission of DMM and expanding God's Kingdom.

Today, we unpack all of these and answer many questions like:

What does it take to have a decentralized team?

What is appropriate and healthy decentralization?

What happens when we decentralize too soon?

and much more...