National Night of Prayer for America

Online Prayer Event

November 6, 2022 • Isaiah 1, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 58, Luke 3:1–14, Nehemiah 1

Join Contagious Disciple Making as we pray for God's guidance and mercy for the United States in this election season. We'll focus on how the Church must fulfill the Great Commission locally, love our neighbors and broader communities, and address evil and evil deeds in such a time as this.

Do you and/or your church have a burden to pray together in ways that will lead the American Church to repent, realign, and reactivate to God's will and expand His Kingdom? Then, join us for our National Night of Prayer Event and contact us on how we can mobilize your community to work together to see this vision happen.
Register your friends and family to get the zoom link.
Use the prayer and fasting guide below to get started.
Watch the video to catch the vision.