The Mental Drag: Recovering from Covid Culture

May 31, 2022 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing

“Faith is obeying God because we believe that His word is true and what He’s told us is right, regardless of whether we see good or bad consequences coming our way” - Paul Watson.

In today's podcast Paul Watson and Rebecca Ewing continue a four part series about what they call COVID Culture and in part three they discuss what it takes to learn how to deal with the effects of being knocked down and to come back prepared to do the hard work necessary to win over COVID culture.

In part 4, Paul and Rebecca finish the new COVID Culture series and talk about pulling ourselves out of this COVID culture and separating ourselves from what is going on so we can continue to be effective disciple makers.

Visit for part 4. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!