
RTP: Armenia & Cody's Celebration

Josh & Zoe have some celebrations on how God is moving in Armenia. Also Cody is our newest member to the Ambassador's Table. He shares why he is finally able to join us as we pray for our Incarcerated Brothers & Sisters!

The Balkan's Baptism & Prisoner's Requests

Dawn shares with us, the story of their latest baptism as we celebrate this new disciple walking out King Jesus' desires for him. Join us as we pray for the prisoner's prayer requests as well.

Lord Answers Prisoner's Prayers & Germany Requests

Come celebrate how God is moving with RJ Donovan in San Diego and pray for Germany as they move forward in their disciple making ministry.

Prison Prayer Movement & Taiwan's Request

Adam is our Taiwanese Disciple Maker. As new believers are getting baptize, our incarcerated friends are starting prayer movements within the walls.