
Locker Room Baptisms (Preston Conner) pt.1

Preston Conder shares how he is learning how to build inside leaders through Discovery Bible Study

October 10, 2023

How do you get to Christian teenagers baptizing one another in a locker room recovery tub?

Preston Conder is learning how to start Discovery Bible Studies within already established friend and peer groups. In the past, he worked with frat boys at a college in Alabama, now he's working with high school and middle school football teams near D.C. 

One of the principles of movement Preston wanted to practice more was to raise up inside leaders and their personal ownership of the discovery process. So Preston made sure he equipped Christian players to run Discovery Groups on their own! The results were that more and more students embraced the process of discovering God and obeying Him together to the point to where they feel like they're a church together. 

After several nights of DBS, one of the players said to one of the Christian inside leaders, "I'm so glad that YOU started this." While Preston understood that it was actually him that started it, he was overjoyed to hear that he was so successful at raising up inside leaders that many didn't even know he was the instigator. 

Listen to how this Discovery Group led to multiple baptisms and the possibility of multiplication into other sports teams in this week's CDM podcast with Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing, and Preston Conder (as guest).