Newest Podcasts

The Heart of Engagement

March 19, 2024

Bottom-line Christian living centers around people as priority. “Life is beautiful not because of the things we see or the things we do. Life is beautiful because of the people we meet..” In Christianity, we have often not cared about building relationships. We care about Gospel presentations–which can be unnerving at first. But relationships are hard work. Foundationally, making disciples is not as much sharing the Gospel as it is walking with others in relationship; with the goal of seeing the Kingdom of God come. —Our disciple-making efforts must build on the right foundation— What is the Heart of Engagement?

From New Wineskins Missions Conference to Making Disciples in the Anglican Church

March 1, 2023 • Rebecca Ewing, Paul Watson, Darlene Collom

Paul and Rebecca interview Darlene Collom, an Anglican from Georgia, about her experiences with Contagious Disciple Making, Disciple Making Movements, and how she is reactivating her church through mobilizing believers to engage the lost. Visit for more premium content. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!

What Is It Like To Be A New Disciple Maker?

January 17, 2023 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing

“The Prayer Calendar has been incredible. I literally feel lonely is I don’t do it. Because its like this really simple system where ever day I’m calling or texting someone in my life and being like ‘hey how can I pray for you this week’ and then I share my own prayer need. Is super awesome to have that network of prayer.” - Steven Cain In today's podcast Paul Watson and Rebecca Ewing talk with new disciple makers that are in coaching with CDM. They discuss getting started and how coaching has impacted their disciple making process.  Visit for more premium content. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!

A Prisoner Becomes A Disciple Maker

January 10, 2023 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing, Gregg Woodard

“I was a little apprehensive to begin with but the minute we started talking about this being different than anything they had ever done before, and opened the Bible up to God’s word and the first guy, not myself one of the other guys, read the passage from the Bible, it seemed like everyone in the groups hearts were touched right then and there. And it was like, this is where I’m supposed to be.” Gregg Woodard In today's podcast Paul Watson and Rebecca Ewing talk with Gregg from the Freedom Initiative about his experience in prison disciple making and what it is like working with parolees.  Visit for more premium content. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!

Serving Disciple Makers In Distant Lands

January 3, 2023 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing

"The more time I spent there [in Israel], the more problems that I saw in the region, regarding peace and justice. It's my conviction that only the Kingdom of God can bring peace or justice. And as I continued to seek the Kingdom of God more and more, I came to see that nothing short of a disciple making movement would really make a material difference" Kevin In today's podcast Paul Watson and Rebecca Ewing talk with two of our foreign partners Justin serving in Slovenia and Kevin serving in Israel. Justin and Kevin share how CDM has changed how they minister. Visit for more premium content. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!

How Can Your Church Fulfill The Great Commission?

December 13, 2022 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing, Michael Dorsett

“I became a practitioner before I started teaching my people because I can’t ask my people to do stuff that I’m not doing. So when I’m talking to [pastors] the first thing I ask is ‘Hey are you satisfied with how you’re fulfilling the great commission? How your church is fulfilling the great commission?’ Because that is one of the things that got me initially looking around and finding CDM was I was not satisfied with what I saw happening in my context vs what I was reading in the scripture” - Pastor Michael Dorset In today's podcast Paul Watson and Rebecca Ewing discuss how churches can get involved with Disciple Making Movements and talk with Pastor Michael Dorset about his experience making this amazing transition. Visit for more premium content. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!

How Disciple Making Communities Are Making A Real Impact

December 6, 2022 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing, Joleene Burts

“Our [Disciple Making] Community isn’t just meeting once a week. We’re doing life together throughout the week. And really making an impact in the community in places that are broken” - Joleene In today's podcast Paul Watson and Rebecca Ewing discuss the impact that Disciple Making Communities are making in local cities and how CDM made it possible in the San Diego area. They are joined by disciple makers for the San Diego area. Visit for more premium content. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!

Engaging During The Holidays (Part 2)

November 22, 2022 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing

In this week's premium content Rebecca and Paul share more about engaging the lost during the holidays by looking at inviting others along and volunteering. Click the link below to join our Patreon to access this great content.

Engaging During The Holidays (Part 1)

November 22, 2022 • Rebecca Ewing, Paul Watson

"As we look into engaging during the holidays, often times we think that either I will have fun or I will be about ministry. And the reality is that we can have both. In fact what we will have is so much more joy and meaning as we are able to enjoy these things with other people." - Rebecca Ewing In today's podcast Rebecca Ewing and Paul Watson share why the holidays are a great and effective time to engage the lost. Focusing on principles to use for brainstorming how, how to make it natural and not awkward, and utilizing events that are already happening. In, Rebecca and Paul share more about engagement during the holidays by looking at inviting others and volunteering. Visit for For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!

Empower Prisoners to become Disciple Makers the CDM Freedom Initiative (Part 1)

November 15, 2022 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing, Jack McCarty

"I can’t tell you how important that insider is. The indigenous person can do it, where and outsider like me, I have been in the [Prison] system for four years, I was a Chaplin, I was supposed to be a good guy. I’m supposed to be a minister of the gospel, but when we got an inside leader who has already been trained and brought up by God to be a leader in general…then it just began to explode." - Jack McCarty In today's podcast Rebecca Ewing and Paul Watson talk with Jack McCarty and Greg Woodward about the the CDM Freedom Initiative where they are working in prisons to see disciple making movements start. In, Jack and Greg share more about what they are doing, how it is working, and plans for the future of the the CDM Freedom Initiative. Visit for For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!

Empower Prisoners to become Disciple Makers: the CDM Freedom Initiative (Part 2)

November 15, 2022 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing, Jack McCarty

In today's premium podcast, Rebecca and Paul continue their conversation with Jack McCarty and Greg Woodward about the CDM Freedom Initiative and how prisoners are becoming disciple makers and using creative tools to continue DBSs in hard situations. To listen to part two or other premium content and subscribe to our Patreon use the link below.

Hope for America?: Fast, Pray, Listen, Repent (Unlocked Episode) (Expanded)

October 25, 2022 • Rebecca Ewing, Paul Watson

In this week's premium content Paul and Rebecca expand on the topic of prayer for our nation and share four negative responses that believers often have when we hear bad news in our nation.

Hope for America?: Fast, Pray, Listen, Repent

October 25, 2022 • Rebecca Ewing, Paul Watson

"I don’t care if you are one person in the middle of no where, if you say I am willing to obey, I’m willing to follow, I’m willing to do something even though nobody else is, God is going to use it." Rebecca Ewing In today's free podcast Paul Watson and Rebecca Ewing share about an upcoming event on November 1st, A National Night of Prayer for America and how we as disciple makers can respond and pray for our nation to change and see the Kingdom of God come. In this week's premium content Paul and Rebecca expand on the topic of prayer for our nation and share four negative responses that believers often have when we hear bad news in our nation. Visit for this week's premium content or click the link below. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!

How To Mobilize Prayer For A Particular Time Pt 1

October 18, 2022 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing

"Prayer mobilization is our primary recruitment tool for brining people into disciple making." - Paul Watson In today's podcast Rebecca Ewing and Paul Watson discuss mobilizing prayer. Discussing the darkness around us, and how we can use upcoming events to give our communities reasons to mobilize in prayer. In part 2, Rebecca and Paul share specific ways to take advantage of times and seasons to mobilize prayer. Visit for part 2 or click on the link below. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!

What If The Kingdom Of God Changed Your City (Video)

October 11, 2022 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing

Recently, Paul Watson and Rebecca Ewing, shared from the main stage of the New Wineskins conference. They spoke about Disciple Making Movements and Discovery Bible Study and how it can change communities for the Kingdom of God. In today's premium podcast we wanted to share the video of this great presentation.