Effective Communication for Raising Prayer (Part 1)

May 5, 2020 • Paul Watson, Rebecca Ewing

How many times have we said, with every good intention, that we'd be praying for someone but never do? How many time have we posted a prayer request but are left wondering if anyone has truly prayed for it? At CDM we believe in effective communication when it comes to getting people to pray. Whether it's sending emails, posting to Facebook, making announcements in church, or handing out a prayer guide, we've all tried raising prayer but in this episode we show you a different way; we create a prayer culture—where a community of people share unified prayer habits.

Be sure to check out the premium part 2 below about Using Social Media to Tell Your Disciple Making Story (https://www.patreon.com/posts/36792324).

Visit www.patreon.com/faithworks for part 2. For just $5/month, you can have access to the premium content of each episode—that's 8 podcasts a month!