What is a Disciple Making Community?

December 15, 2020

We need a community who will join us in making disciples where we are. But many Christians often struggle to have meaningful interactions with people who don’t know Jesus. They need more help in knowing how to live out the Great Commission within their everyday lives.

That's where the Disciple Making Community comes in! A DMC is a group of believers who practice daily habits that lead them to obey all God’s commands and love their neighbors in such a way that it gives them opportunities to help others discover God through reading His Word for themselves.

This video will show you the in's and out's of a DMC, how it differs from a DBS, the 5 commitments each member makes, how a meeting is run, and more. Share it with people you'd like to start a DMC with!

To get the most out of a DMC, watch our webinar "The Disciple Making Community: Living Out the Great Commission Together in Everyday Life": https://bit.ly/dmcommunitywebinar

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