Don’t Buy the Lie, You Have a Choice!

SPLAT | April 10th, 2022

April 10, 2022 • Pastor Joey Ling • Exodus 4:1–17

Don’t Buy the Lie, You Have a Choice!
Scripture: Exodus 4:1-17
Pastor Joey Ling

If you want to change, the starting point has to be with God.

Truth: I can change because I am changed by God.

You are a changed person because of what God has done and is doing in you. God makes all things new.

1. Know the Depth of Your Sin
2. Know the Depth of His Love

Change is...

1. A daily task
2. A lifelong commitment
3. An Inevitable reality

Let's Talk About It

• In what ways can you relate to Moses based on this passage?
• What are some areas in your life that you would like to see change in? Have there been moments where you have believed the lie that you have no choice? What were they?
• Why do you think that change is so difficult? What are the things you want to change in your life? How will you change?
• What does the phrase “God makes all things new” mean to you?
• Pray for one another

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