Family Survival Series: Honouring Your Parents What, Why, and How

SPLAT | November 10th, 2019

November 10, 2019 • Deacon Roland Choo • Colossians 3:20, Ephesians 6:1–3, Deuteronomy 5:16

Family Survival Series: Honouring Your Parents

What, Why, and How 

Col 3:20, Eph 6:1-3, Deut 5:16

Deacon Roland Choo

Honor parents means:

• Treat them with ____________ (_________-feely)

• ______ their words (_______-oriented)

A. Why I should obey my parents? (foundation)

• Because __________ was obedient to his parents. (____ 2:51a)

• Because it is _______ ____________.

• Because it is in _______ ____________.

Q1: What can happen if I don’t obey my parents?

B. How should I obey my parents? (application)

• Godly (religiously)

With a regard to what pleases God, and not what pleases self or parents so much.

• Quickly & Expediently

Without waiting to ask the reason or promising to obey at some future time.

• Heartily & Sincerely

As opposed to that hypocritical obedience which some children yield when their parents are in sight, because they are afraid of the consequences.

• Cheerfully

There is an obedience of the hand but a disobedience of the heart.

• Completely

It is of no use for children to obey in some things and disobey in others; to do half what their parents command, and leave half undone.

• Always

Not simply till you go to university, working, adulthood, or married.

Q2: Why do I have difficulties obeying my parents?

Q3: How do I engage my parents to help me obey them? 

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Be Careful What You Wish For!

February 9, 2020 • Pastor Alex Chan • 1 Samuel 8

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