The Power of Forgiveness

DTM | November 27th, 2022

November 27, 2022 • Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui • Genesis 50

Sermon Notes

Making All Things New: 

Book of Genesis

The Power of Forgiveness

Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui

Scripture: Genesis 50


What is God’s providence?

The often-imperceptible work of God to fulfill his good purposes.

God’s Providence in Scripture (Phil. 2:13; Eph. 1:11-12; Romans 8:28) 


What does trusting in God’s providence practically entail? (Gen. 50:19-20)

1. Leaving the righting of wrongs to God: God’s providential work IN us (v. 19)

2. Seeing God work for our ultimate good - God’s providential work FOR us (v. 20)

3. Forgiving those who hurt you and showing gratitude (and even) affection - God’s providential work THROUGH us (v. 21)