A Light to My Path: Cultivate a Taste

RHCCC | May 19th, 2019

May 19, 2019 • Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui • Psalm 19:7–11

A Light to My Path: Cultivate a Taste

Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui

Psalm 19:7-11

Background of Psalm 19

General Revelation (v. 1-6) vs. Special Revelation (v. 7-11)

1. The Origin of the Word

See 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20–21

2. The Effects of the Word

a) Vitality for the Soul (v. 7)

b) Wisdom for the Mind (v. 7-8)

c) Joy For the Heart (v. 8-10)


Shift #1: From Duty to Delight

See 1 Peter 2:2; Matthew 4:4; 1 Cor. 3:2; Hebrews 5:14

Shift #2: From Knowing to Keeping (v. 11)


Sermon Study Guide

1. Psalm 19:7-11God’s Word is trustworthy and refreshes our souls (v. 7). Was there a specific time where you trusted God’s Word in the past? If so, how did it impact you?

2. The Word of God is holy and allows us to gain insights and experience joy in God (v.8). What gives you the most joy in life?

3. Revering God means to live a righteous life and obey His commands (v.9). In what area of your life have you disobeyed God? What will you do to repair your relationship with God?

4. God’s Word is more precious than any earthly treasure we will ever have (v. 10-11). How are you treasuring God’s Word in your heart? How are you digging deeper in His Word daily?

A Light to My Path: A Renewed Passion

May 26, 2019 • Rev. Reuben Foncardas • Joshua 1:6–9

A Light to My Path: A Renewed Passion Pastor Reuben Foncardas Joshua 1:6-9 We become devoted to God and His Word when we passionately live our lives to complete the mission God has called us to fulfill. As God commanded Joshua, He commands us to be strong and courageous because of three realities. 1. God made a ____________. “Be strong and courageous, for you will distribute the land I swore to their fathers to give them as an inheritance.” (v. 7; cf. I Peter 1:3-4) 2. God gave us ____________. “Above all, be strong and very courageous to observe carefully the whole instruction my servant Moses commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you will have success wherever you go.” (v. 7; cf. Hebrews 4:12) God’s power that guarantees success comes through His Word and is conditioned on three things (v. 8): • That we ____________ about it. • That we ____________ about it. • That we ____________ by it. 3. God assured us of His ____________. “Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (v. 9; cf. Matthew 28:18-20)

A Light to My Path: A Deliberate Effort

May 12, 2019 • Rev. Shu-Ling Lee • Deuteronomy 6:4–9

A Light to My Path: A Deliberate Effort Rev. Shu-Ling Lee Deut. 6:4-9 Introduction Unless godliness is a deliberate effort, the fruits will not be lasting and true. Discipline is something you must work on. It is not a natural gift or tendency. It must be nurtured. We need to cultivate a steady personal discipline in the Word. Edmund Chan 1. We discipline ourselves in the word not to ____________ , but to enter a life of  ____________. (1 Tim 4:6-8) 2. We discipline ourselves in the word ____________ , training to follow the  ____________. (Deut 6:4-5, Luke 10:27) 3. We discipline ourselves in the word to ____________ into the way of the Word. (Deut 6:6-9) Conclusion – Practical Steps ——— Sermon Study Guide 1. What occupies your heart, soul and mind? (v.4-5) 2. In verses 7-9, God gives practical steps on how to keep His command in our hearts. What does that look like in your life? (v.7-9) 3. Children are always watching every word you say and every action you take. If you’re a parent, even more so. What will your family do to prioritize God and make him the centre of your family? (v.7) 4. Bible memorization is one of the best ways to remember God’s Word. Choose a Bible verse (or more than one) that you will memorize. Share it with a brother or sister in Christ this week. (v.8-9)

A Light to My Path: A Paradigm Shift

May 5, 2019 • Dr. Roy Verzosa • Psalm 119:9–16

A Light to My Path: A Paradigm Shift Dr. Roy Verzosa Psalm 119:9-16 Jesus Himself highlights the importance of the Word of God when He said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:4). And the Psalmist declared, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:107). Our passage this morning delineates how the Word of God can help light our path to a life of holiness. Let’s make a paradigm shift as we learn how “Thy Word”… 1. Defines Life’s Real Purpose 2. Determines Life’s Right Priorities 3. Discovers Life’s Remarkable Potential “In the final analysis, getting into the Word is not about mastering the Word. Rather, it is about being mastered by the Word of God!” Pastor Edmund Chan ——— Sermon Study Guide Psalm 119:9-16 Jesus appears to two men, one named Cleopas and the other unnamed, after his resurrection. 1. God’s purity is the reflection of His holiness. What steps do you need to take to keep your life pure in God? (v. 9) 2. God wants your whole-hearted devotion. In life, we often forget God and tend to rely on our own strength. What keeps you from surrendering your whole heart to God? (v. 10-11) 3. God shows us how to live and calls us to pass on His teachings to those around us. How are you impacting those around you (this generation or the next)? Pray for a spiritual revival and opportunities to make a difference (v. 12-14). 4. A focused heart in the Lord delights to obey and hold fast onto His Word. Examine your schedule. How much time are you dwelling on God’s Word? Challenge yourself to meditate 10 minutes (or more) with the Lord every day and reflect on the difference it makes in your life (v. 15-16).