Genogram Your Family

DTM | July 24th, 2022

July 24, 2022 • Pastor Michael Seto • Exodus 34:7

Emotionally Healthy Relationships
Genogram Your Family
Pastor Michael Seto
Exodus 34:7

Looking at the past allows us to look froward to the future.

1. Remembering the past helps us to avoid repreating it.

2. The past doesn’t determine your future (Genesis 45:4-5, 50:20)

3. Jesus breaks the cycle (Galatians 3:26-29)
Jesus redefines family

Emotionally Healthy Community

August 28, 2022 • Pastor Paul Lam • Matthew 20:20–29, Mark 6:30–34

Emotionally Healthy Relationships Emotionally Healthy Community Pastor Paul Lam Scripture: Matt 20:20-29, Mark 6:30-34

Fighting Cleanly

August 21, 2022 • Pastor Michael Seto • Ephesians 4:25–32, Jeremiah 6:14

Emotionally Healthy Relationships Fighting Cleanly Pastor Michael Seto You can’t be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature Fight Cleanly - the ability to pursue peace (Ephesians 4:25-32) ——— 4 Comparisons: Genuine relationships (v.25, 32) Genuine feelings (v. 26, 31) Genuine spirit (v. 27, 30) Genuine action (v. 28, 29) Conflict isn’t a possibility it’s a certainty Be your genuine self. ——— Ways to approach conflict: 1. Don’t fight (Jeremiah 6:14) 2. Fight dirty 3. Fight cleanly ——— 7 Steps to Fight Cleanly 1. Ask for permission (Speaker) 2. State why it is important to you (Speaker) 3. Fill in the following sentence “When you…I feel” (Speaker) 4. State your request clearly, respectfully and specifically (Speaker) 5. Consider the request & state your level of agreement (Listener) 6. Agree to the request or offer an alternative (Speaker) 7. Review the agreement now and then again in 2 - 4 weeks (Speaker & Listener)

Responding in Integrity

August 14, 2022 • Rev. Shu-Ling Lee • Galatians 2:11–16

Emotionally Healthy Relationships Responding in Integrity Rev. Shu-Ling Lee Galatians 2:11-16